Experienced Narcotics Detective with accomplished law enforcement career focused on investigating criminal cases. Industrious and diligent with exceptional integrity and above average clearance rates. Smoothly collect statements and evidence by following both traditional and contemporary investigatory strategies. Effective at writing reports and affidavits, interviewing witnesses and gaining informants by applying persuasive communication skills and understanding of the law. Proven investigator with a self-motivated and flexible style. Ethical Detective committed to protecting public and uncovering case details through diligent investigation. Analytical and intelligent with belief in fair administration of justice. Proficient in modern collections and forensic techniques, processes and approaches. Skilled at reviewing reports, overseeing investigations and preparing cases for court. Knowledgeable about resolving staffing issues, training junior detectives and improving team performance with hands-on coaching and assessments. Results-driven investigator bringing 4 + years of experience in law enforcement. Specializing in Narcotics and prostitution operations and proficient in undercover work and surveillance. Veteran Narcotics Detective knowledgeable about collecting evidence such as fingerprints, DNA and drug paraphernalia. Adept at building solid cases and testifying in court. Looking for a new role within any law enforcement agency.