Collaborated with CNUCOM medical students and physicians to spread awareness to the the general public about ways to maintain health.
Provided free medical services such as checking vitals, flue shots, meetings with physicians, and information on local resources.
Was elected in the President of the club in Spring 2023.
Packaged and sorted food items.
Distributed food to families of Sacramento area.
Engaged with members of thecommunity.
PAL for Media & Communications Studio: assisted with editing and revising student writing, organized student study events on campus, manage social media platform
PAL for Biology I: assisted with in-class activities and discussions, held office hours for student questions and content review, hosted recitations for exam review.
Assisted in CalFresh and EBT transactions at local farmer's markets.
Engaged with members of the community and farmers in the Sacramento Area.
Collaborated with members of the organization to plant fresh produce in housing complexes to provide affordable access to notorious food.