Dynamic leader and gifted communicator with a proven track record in various ministry roles including Lead Pastor at Teays Valley Church of God, growing the congregation from 60 to over 500 in average attendance with over 1000 people calling TVCOG "home" over the course of my tenure. Skilled in organizational leadership and outreach/community engagement. Successfully managed two building campaigns and significantly increased budgets annually. Excels in coaching and inspiring teams, demonstrating exceptional problem-solving skills and a commitment to Kingdom impact and growth. Currently sought out by others for coaching, prayer, and wisdom regarding their personal ministries. Passionate about seeing souls won for the Kingdom of God.
Ministries Council Member-Current
Author of "Impact That'll Leave a Mark" published by Warner Press in 2018
Former MACU Board Member
Former Online Instructor at MACU
Former Instructor at Ohio Christian University
WV Credentials Committee-Current
Former Lifegivers Co-Director
Project Imagine Participant
Campmeeting Evangelist and Worship Leader
Former Special Assignment Missionary to Cyprus
Local Multi-denominational Ministerial Leader