Lawyer and doctorate-level public health policy researcher with a unique background in examining complex legal issues, conducting policy analysis and evaluating and implementing programs and processes related to public policy. Proven ability to readily adapt to meet demands in both the public health and legal fields though applying a niche set of knowledge and skills across a diverse range of work environments.
13898-0111.1.8 (Stroud-Winborn, PI) 2013–2014
Medicaid 1115 Waiver – Texas Health Care Transformation and Quality Improvement Program (Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Project)
Managing Chronically Ill Medicaid Patients Using Interventional Telehealth
The main goal of this project is to implement a telehealth monitoring program to more effectively manage the multiple health conditions of chronically ill Medicaid patients. The project is designed to improve access to needed health care services, quality of life, and functional independence.
RS7010 (Villareal, PI; Carlson, Co-I [UNTHSC PI]; Stroud-Winborn, UNTHSC Co-I) 2014
Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas
Evaluation of University Health System Secondary Prevention Services: A Su Salud Breast Health Program
RS7009 (Villareal, PI; Carlson, Co-I [UNTHSC PI]; Stroud-Winborn, UNTHSC Co-I) 2012–2014
Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas
Evaluation of University Health System Secondary Prevention Services: A Su Salud Cervical Cancer Screening Program
69663 (Wilson, PI; Stroud-Winborn, Co-I) 2011–2013
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Public Health Law Research: Making the Case for Laws That Improve Health
The main goal of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of current distracted driving laws for the purpose of determining which policies are the most successful at improving overall road safety.