Work History

Michelle Heyer



Legal Professional with a proven record of bringing matters of high complexity and sensitivity to successful resolution. Extensive experience addressing issues that implicate a broad range of legal and ethical concerns. Creative, tenacious investigator committed to thoroughly understanding all sides of a controversy and treating all parties involved with dignity and respect.


years of professional experience

Work History

Assistant United States Attorney, N.D. Ohio

U.S. Department of Justice
09.2003 - Current
  • As most senior attorney in the Affirmative Civil Enforcement Unit, entrusted to represent the United States as plaintiff in the office's highest-profile civil cases. Achieved significant favorable outcomes in matters involving major financial institutions, federal contractors, state and municipal governments, and large healthcare organizations, including settlements of $124 million and $200 million.
  • Enforce federal statutes and regulations involving fraud, corruption, and civil rights protection, including the False Claims Act, Anti-Kickback Statute, Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII, and other laws prohibiting discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion and age.
  • Direct teams of investigators from the FBI and various federal Inspectors General. Recognized by partner agencies for notable effectiveness at designing investigative plans and synthesizing evidence into successful prosecutions.
  • Determine appropriate resolution of controversies and draft documents memorializing terms, including letter agreements, formal settlement agreements, and consent decrees. Monitor compliance with settlements.

Trial Attorney, Office of Special Investigations

U.S. Deptartment of Justice
02.2000 - 08.2003
  • Investigated and litigated civil prosecutions against participants in World War II-era human rights abuses, including one of only two Nazi death camp guards known to reside in the United States. Overcame unique challenges posed by remoteness of alleged misconduct, lack of first-hand witnesses, and documentary evidence in foreign languages. Devised creative investigative strategies to counter defenses such as claims of mistaken identity.


J.D. - Magna Cum Laude

Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Cleveland, OH

Master of Arts - Public Policy

Duke University
Durham, NC

Bachelor of Arts - Archaeology

Boston University
Boston, MA


  • Outstanding Legal Researcher and Writer
  • Deep knowledge of civil rights laws
  • Keen facility for analyzing and synthesizing evidence
  • Ability to engage productively with stakeholders from all backgrounds


Assistant Attorney General's Award for Human Rights Law Enforcement; Director's Award for Superior Performance as an Assistant US Attorney; Commendation for Distinguished Service to the Department of Justice Civil Division; Assistant Attorney General's Award for Outstanding Service to the Civil Rights Division.


Assistant United States Attorney, N.D. Ohio

U.S. Department of Justice
09.2003 - Current

Trial Attorney, Office of Special Investigations

U.S. Deptartment of Justice
02.2000 - 08.2003

J.D. - Magna Cum Laude

Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Master of Arts - Public Policy

Duke University

Bachelor of Arts - Archaeology

Boston University
Michelle Heyer