Client-centered professional polished in identifying potential disorders in clients and developing successful treatment plans and therapeutic processes. Accommodating and warm individual possessing strong observational skills and in-depth understanding of human behavior and monitoring client progress.
Demonstrated proficiency in both individual and family therapy sessions and maintained strong patient rapport.
Complete Intake and evaluation for children referred by DCF when removed from their family pending for transfer to Foster care or while the family meets DCF requirements. Monitor Children's behaviors and needs while in the Program and working with other agencies to provide support as needed.
Completed Intake and treatment plans while providing on going individual counseling to patients with opiate dependency in an outpatient facility. Referrals to patients to other community agencies for other services as needed.
Assisted clients to use learn coping skills to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and learn to deal with other life issues including low self esteem and self confidence, poor communication, reduce symptoms of traumatic events, Assisted clients to learn problem solving and conflict resolution. Also assisted those who struggle with substance use to focus on goals and maintain their sobriety.
Mandated Reporter
Substance Abuse Counselor
Violence Against Women
Mandated Reporter
Substance Abuse Counselor
Violence Against Women