Experienced and passionate physical therapist with a proven track record in clinical practice and leadership roles. Demonstrated success as a Clinical Director and Owner over a 15-year period. Transformed clinic into one of the region's largest through dedication and strategic approach. Established valuable partnerships with five rapidly growing clinics, contributing to their success. Played a pivotal role in overseeing multiple clinics during the expansion of the second Mission Viejo clinic, ensuring smooth build-out and growth. Mentored numerous Clinic Directors in starting up and expanding their own Physical Therapy clinics in South Orange County. Fosters a fun yet highly productive work environment that brings out the best in the team.
Little League Coach, South Mission Viejo Little League, Mission Viejo, CA, 02/01/21, Present, Coached my son's little league teams from T-ball through Coach Pitch Leagues AYSO Youth Soccer Coach, AYSO 84 Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA, 09/01/21, 11/01/22, Head Coach of Boys 8U soccer team. Current Circle Navigator YMCA Adventure Guides