Progressive record of effective instructional coaching, exemplary student success, and exceptional rates of parent satisfaction. Highly skilled in creative problem solving and strategic thinking. Recruits and retains highly effective teachers to improve school culture. Utilizes strength based systems of delegation to enhance productivity. Gifted at behavioral management, community engagement, systems thinking and decision making, and data driven instruction. Expert in public speaking and written communication. Quickly identifies patterns in data and aligns goals effectively for highest productivity. Excellence in improving relationships among faculty, students and administrators. Personable and outgoing with skills in building rapport with diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Top strengths are positivity, strategizing, building and maintaining healthy relationships. Specialized knowledge in the areas of early literacy progressions, cross-curricular project based learning, the mind-body connection, and community engagement, specifically parent/student/teacher teams.
Taught grades 6, 4, 3, and 2 over a five year span. Took on many leadership roles, including assessing current curriculum and piloting new curriculum to increase learning effectiveness.
*Student and Parent Relations
2023- On-Site Supervisor, Liberty University, Cajon Valley
2022-current: School Site Safety Lead
2021-current: SDSU Student Teacher Mentor
2020-current: School Site Council, Vice President
2019-current: Home Visit Site Lead
2021-current: TEDed Coach and Site Lead
2020- current: Member of the National Association of Elementary School Principals
2020-current: Member of the ISTE, International Society for Technology in Education
2019-2022: Committee of 100 Leadership Cohort in Cajon Valley Union School District
2019-2023: Created multiple phonological resources for Anza Elementary School to reduce learning gaps in the primary grade levels
2020-2021: Principal Designated New Teacher Support/Master Teacher/Instructional Coach
2020-2021: Initiated school growth team, led presentation and collaboration meetings, and worked to support school growth plan
2019-2020: First Wave Modern Teacher Pilot
2017-2018: Greater Learning Opportunities Program Pilot