Law Enforcement Officer for 7 years. Ready to pursue a new career path with new opportunities.
Strengths; 1) excellent organizational skills, 2) efficient and detailed writing skills, 3) effective communication, 4) good time management, 5) experienced in criminal and civil law, 6) strong understanding of the court system and trial preparation.
Personal Strengths; 1) caring and compassionate, 2) good listener, 3) experience with and knowledge of many resources, outreach programs, rehabilitation centers, assistance, and other programs for families, youth, and adult, 4) driven, outgoing, and hard working, 5) calm and composed under pressure.
Report Writing
CPR and AED Certified
OC Spray Certificate
Tactical First Aid Certificate
Star Chase and Stop Sticks Certificates
Handgun, Patrol Shotgun, Patrol Rifle Certificates
Overdose Response Certificate, an Naloxone Training Programs for Emergency Responders
Fourteen "Police One" Certificates
Less Lethal Extended Range Impact Weapons Certificate
Defense Tactics Certifications
Anti-Bias for Law Enforcement
Taser X26P Operator
DWI Detection, Standard Field Sobriety Test, Intoxilyzer 8000 Type III Permit
Emotional Survival for First Responders
Tactical Medicine for Patrol
Domestic Violence and Strangulation
Basic Crisis Intervention Team Program
CPR and AED Certified