Professional Project Management Specialist with experience working with teams to accomplish short- and long-term project goals. Managed budgets and monitored project costs.
Data Center Facility Construction (25,000,000 €)
Manufacturing site controls, granting material approvals, documentation preparation, Subcontractor dispatch and administration.
Mersin-Adana-Osmaniye-Gaziantep High Speed Train Railway Construction and Supply of Electromechanical Systems. ($ 1,020,408,000)
Preparation of progress payments for subcontractors and employers, preparation of subcontract agreements, arrangement of technical purchasing orders, comparative cost estimating, coordination on client relations and contract administration, claim preparations and negotiations.
Hotel Complex 2nd Phase, Golf Hotel and Villas: Construction of 98 villas, town center complex and a golf hotel. ($ 400,000,000)
Preparation of progress payments for subcontractors and employers, preparation of subcontract agreements, arrangement of technical purchasing orders, comparative cost estimating, coordination on client relations and contract administration, claim preparations and negotiations. Performed routine field inspections to assure field applications meet the project specifications and standards.
Gendarmerie Coast Guard Academy Dean's Office and Dormitory Construction: Construction of 5 dormitory buildings, dean's office consisting of 8 blocks. ($ 103,000,000)
Preparation of progress payments for subcontractors and employers, preparation of subcontract agreements, arrangement of technical purchasing orders, comparative cost estimating, coordination on client relations and contract administration, claim preparations and negotiations. Performed routine field inspections to assure field applications meet the project specifications and standards.
City Hospital Business Operation: City Hospital Operational Management, 2019-2020
Preparation and reporting of PPP model hospital enterprises subcontractors’ and administration progress payments.
Construction of the Head of the Police Special Operations and Aviation: Construction of the head of the police operation building, aviation department building and 5 hangar buildings.
($22,000,000), 2017-2019
Preparation of progress payments for subcontractors and employers, preparation of subcontract agreements, arrangement of technical purchasing orders, comparative cost estimating, coordination on client relations and contract administration, claim preparations and negotiations. Performed routine field inspections to assure field applications meet the project specifications and standards.
Construction of Presidential Palace: Construction of presidential palace, mosque, congresium center, library, dining hall building and parking. ($510,204,000), 2015-2017
Preparation of progress payments for subcontractors and employers, preparation of subcontract agreements, arrangement of technical purchasing orders, comparative cost estimating, coordination on client relations and contract administration, claim preparations and negotiations. Performed routine field inspections to assure field applications meet the project specifications and standards.
Hydraulic and static calculations of various water structures: dam, pond, etc.