Google Workspace, Microsoft, Cerna, Epic, PointCare
Communicative and respected Chaplain offering expertise in pastoral care, end-of-life, hospice, and spiritual counseling. Well-versed in assessing spiritual needs of individuals and families and levels of spiritual distress. Ensures respect and adherence to family religious practices. Providing support and compassionate care. Remains calm in any type of situation. Empathetic professional with high level of patience and committed to keeping information confidential. In the process stages of applying for board certification.
Efficient on Cerna, Epic and PointCare platforms.
Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams regarding patient care
Provided spiritual care to end-of-life patients
Officiated memorial services for families of hospice patients
Provided education regarding spiritual care services
Supported family through cremation process and was present at cremation facility with family member.
Facilitated grief support groups and provided one-one grief counseling.
Helped a family through reconciliation.
Helped several hospice patients find peace in letting go.
Educated and facilitated program "No One Dies Alone".
Masters of Divinity - Grand Canyon University
CPE, Clinical Pastoral Education- UC Davis
CPSP, College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy
Veteran Administration certification, training clergy care to veterans in congregation.
Ordained Minister, Chaplain International
Local pastor license - Nazarene church
Google Workspace, Microsoft, Cerna, Epic, PointCare
Travel, Reading, Movies, Writing, Serving in my church