A competent legal professional, targeting for challenging & rewarding opportunities as Legal Head, Consultant, Advisor with an organization of repute
Offering over 24 years of experience & YOY success in the areas of Legal Operations, Regulatory & Statutory Compliance, Commercial Litigation, Contract Drafting, Legal Audits, and Legal Advisory Hands-on experience in drafting & vetting of Documents related to Intellectual Property Rights, Real Estate, Retail & Construction, Litigation Management, Property Matters and Land Transactions Domain Expertise in Drafting & Conveyance of documents, Defending & Initiating Legal Cases - Suits/ Arbitrations/Writ Petitions/Appeals Civil/Notices on behalf of the management Track record of setting up systems & procedures for legal & compliance with laws applicable to the organization & govt. regulations Strategic Leader, skills in defining and formulating the strategies and procedures to be followed in various cases Strong exposure in managing legal matters related to dynamic departments such as Retail, Construction, Engineering Operations, House Keeping, Security, Sales & Marketing, and Finance & Vendor Excellence in displaying competence in drafting & vetting Addendums, Memorandum of Understanding, Affidavits & other documents, a raft of Leave & License, Deeds of Transfer, Deeds of Assignment, Indemnity Bonds, Deeds of Conveyance, Deed of Easement, Development Agreements, Lease/ Leave and License Agreement Experienced in managing all facets of due diligence, operations, reporting, regulatory compliance, and documentation