Work History

Rebecca Hale

4624 Paxton Dr S, Hilliard,OH


Experienced nursing professional bringing demonstrated clinical expertise, leadership skills and technical knowledge. Proficient in chart review and analysis. Quality-driven and efficient with strong interpersonal abilities.


years of professional experience

Work History

Infection Preventionist

OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital
Columbus, OH
07.2022 - Current
  • Consulted with local and state health departments to report infectious cases.
  • Provided education to staff on the principles of infection prevention and control through in-the-moment coaching, as well as attending unit staff meetings.
  • Conducted audits of patient care practices to ensure compliance with hospital policy and procedures related to infection prevention and control. Audits were completed via chart review and in-person rounding.
  • Led working groups, investigations and continuous surveillance with specific focus on minimizing or eliminating infection spread.
  • Assisted in developing strategies to reduce health care-associated infections. Participated in a work group to establish best practice guidelines that are currently in use for SSI reduction.
  • Wrote and submitted final reports detailing successes and failures in each investigation and recommended corrective actions.
  • Performed environmental assessments to identify areas where additional cleaning is needed.
  • Communicated trend data and analysis to implement process improvement initiatives.
  • Created reports summarizing data on CAUTI, CLABSI, SSI, and other related topics.
  • Monitored procedures for hospital staff regarding sterilization, disinfection and decontamination of personnel, instruments and equipment.
  • Participated in a work group to develop a career ladder for the IP team that is currently in place.

Clinical Outcomes Manager

Dublin and Riverside Methodist Hospitals
Columbus, OH
10.2018 - 07.2022
  • Participated in multidisciplinary group to evaluate incident reports to determine proper follow-up.
  • Conducted chart reviews, interviews, and policy reviews to evaluate for quality care.
  • Arranged and facilitated meetings to identify opportunities for improvement and develop action plans to improve processes.
  • Assisted in the development of reporting system previously used at OhioHealth.
  • Participated in system work group to continually evaluate and recommend improvements to the reporting system to ensure functionality and efficiency.
  • Participated in multiple work groups and Kaizen events to create, improve, and systemize Patient Safety processes.
  • Assisted in onboarding new Patient Safety Representatives through instruction and shadowing experiences.
  • Created and maintained professional relationships with stakeholders to ensure collaboration.

Quality Specialist

Dublin Methodist Hospital
Dublin, OH
03.2017 - 10.2018
  • Developed and implemented data-based solutions in a timely manner.
  • Diligently maintained safety and quality standards.
  • Completed key projects on time, and with a high level of accuracy.
  • Developed and maintained strong, clear communication and rapport with department managers.

Registered Nurse

Dublin Methodist Hospital
Dublin, OH
02.2016 - 03.2017
  • Disciplined, energetic employee who quickly established rapport with patients and colleagues.
  • Evaluated patient care needs, prioritized treatment, and maintained patient flow.
  • Performed blood and blood product transfusions, and intravenous infusions, to address patient symptoms or underlying causes.
  • Assisted patients with healing and recovery by closely monitoring and caring for wounds, answering questions, and educating them about continued care strategies.
  • Utilized strong assessment skills to determine necessary patient care.
  • Delivered tailored nursing care to adult patients suffering from multiple diagnoses.
  • Accurately documented all elements of nursing assessment, treatments, medications, discharge instructions, and follow-up care.

Certified Pharmacy Technician

Dublin Methodist Hospital
Dublin, OH
11.2007 - 02.2016
  • Investigated controlled substance discrepancies, resolved discrepancies, or sent them through proper channels for further investigation.
  • Compounded IV preparations are performed efficiently and accurately using proper aseptic technique.
  • Maintained proper compliance logs, including refrigerator temperatures, and IV hood maintenance.
  • In charge of writing the technician schedule, maintaining technician rotation, as well as working with technicians' availability regarding school schedules.


Bachelor of Science - Nursing

Ohio University
Athens, OH

Associate of Applied Science - Nursing

Columbus State Community College


  • Process development and implementation
  • Chart review and analysis
  • Microsoft Office products
  • Electronic charting skills
  • Strong decision-making ability
  • Versed in Humble Inquiry
  • Experienced facilitator
  • Critical thinking


Registered Nurse

Ohio Board of Nursing


Infection Preventionist

OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital
07.2022 - Current

Clinical Outcomes Manager

Dublin and Riverside Methodist Hospitals
10.2018 - 07.2022

Quality Specialist

Dublin Methodist Hospital
03.2017 - 10.2018

Registered Nurse

Dublin Methodist Hospital
02.2016 - 03.2017

Certified Pharmacy Technician

Dublin Methodist Hospital
11.2007 - 02.2016

Bachelor of Science - Nursing

Ohio University

Associate of Applied Science - Nursing

Columbus State Community College
Rebecca Hale