Work History
Work Availability
Work Preference
Hi, I’m

Rev. Apelu Poe, Ph.D

The supernatural is the natural not yet explained.
Elbert Hubbard
Rev. Apelu Poe, Ph.D


As an accomplished Vanderbilt University-trained doctor in the field of the Hebrew Bible and an ordained pastor with over 40 years of academic and church leadership experience, I am thrilled to express my interest in your vacancy opportunity as advertised. I bring an extensive background of success in all elements of organizational leadership, along with the qualifications which are required to make a positive impact in this role. I offer a combination of unique academic & research skills as well as competencies in cultivating and shepherding new and existing church members which I have developed through a lengthy and rewarding career. In previous roles, I have contributed to organizational improvements, collaborative team efforts, and the attainment of key business targets.


years of professional experience

Work History

Bethel-Woodlawn United Methodist Church

06.2015 - 07.2021

Job overview

Bethel-Woodlawn United Methodist Church is a 2-church charge in the Clarksville and Woodlawn area. It is part of the Red River District of the United Methodist Church. Bishop William McAlilly and the Cabinet of Tennessee Conference appointed me to serve as pastor of this 2-church charge from June 2015 to July 2021. My main pastoral responsibilities include church administration, Sunday worship leadership, and congregational care. My other pastoral duties include community outreach and future strategic investment planning.

Martin’s Chapel UMC

06.2013 - 07.2015

Job overview

Martin's Chapel is a local church in the Springfield area, about 8.5 miles from Nashville. It is a closely-knit small congregation that takes pride in its Sunday worship tradition and congregational care. I was appointed pastor here by the Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church from June 2013 to June 2015. My main pastoral duties involve church administration and meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation.

Nashville Korean UMC English Ministry

07.2012 - 06.2013

Job overview

The Nashville Korean English Ministry is one of the most innovative ministries of the Nashville Korean United Methodist Church in Brentwood, Tennessee. It offers a relaxed, contemporary-style service each Sunday from 11 AM in the English chapel, followed by a time of casual fellowship, refreshments, and thoughtful discussions of the Bible and Christian books in their EM room. I enjoyed serving as pastor here in charge of worship leadership, Bible study, and congregational care from July 2012 to June 2013.

Fairfield UMC

08.2008 - 06.2012

Job overview

Located in the countryside, Fairfield United Methodist Church is a beautiful church in Westmoreland, Tennessee, about 2 and a half hour's drive from Nashville. I had the honour of being appointed to serve as pastor here by the Tennessee Conference immediately after my return from the overseas missionary field. This was from August 2008 to June 2012. I was in charge of several pastoral responsibilities, for example, church administration, worship leadership, congregational care, and future strategic planning.

Charles Sturt University

Senior Academic Associate
09.2004 - 08.2006

Job overview

The Pacific Theological College in Fiji and the Charles Sturt University in Australia have entered into a working together partnership. While teaching full-time at the Pacific Theological College in Fiji, I also served as a Senior Academic Advisor for Charles Sturt Univerity in Australia on a part-time basis from September 2004 to August 2006.

Pacific Theological College

Lecturer in Old Testament Studies
07.2003 - 08.2006

Job overview

As a lecturer in Old Testament Studies at the Pacific Theological College in Fiji from July 2003 to August 2006, my main faculty responsibilities involve academic teaching, research, and student advising. My other leadership roles include conducting faculty meetings, leading worship services, and facilitating sports and extracurricular activities for the students.

Samoan Community Church of Carson

07.2000 - 03.2003

Job overview

From July 2000 to March 2003, I served as pastor of the Samoan Community Church of Carson. This request for my pastoral leadership came while finishing up my pastoral duties at the Fetu Ao Samoan United Methodist Church in Torrence, California. My main pastoral responsibilities here include church administration, Sunday worship leadership, and congregational development. My other pastoral duties involve future church strategic planning and community outreach.

Summer Course of Study Program

07.1996 - 07.2001

Job overview

The Board of Higher Education of the United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee recruited me to help teach a Summer Course of Study Program for Pacific Island students at Claremont Graduate School of Theology. These Pacific Island students come from Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji and need further academic and ministry training so they can serve full-time appointments in the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Fetu Ao Samoan United Methodist Church

08.1998 - 06.2000

Job overview

The Fetu Ao Samoan United Methodist Church in Torrence, California is the first Samoan Methodist church ever established on US soil. All the other Samoan Methodist churches that are now spreading here on the Mainland and in Hawaii spring forth as an outgrowth of this one legendary church. Unfortunately, in 1996 the church suffered a deep plunge in church membership and was at the risk of being closed. While teaching on a part-time assignment at Claremont Graduate Department of Theology, in Pomona, California, from July 1996 to July 2001, the District Superintendent of the Los Angeles area asked me if I could help with the above church. I agreed and after 2 years of complete ministry overhaul and being given a new revitalized vision/mission statement the church came back to life. It was truly God's miracle.

Tennessee Foreign Language Institute

05.1997 - 06.1997

Job overview

I taught the Samoan language course at the Tennessee Foreign Language Institute in Nashville from July to June 1997. This was part of the Tennessee Foreign Language Institute program for American PhD students majoring in Pacific Island Literature.

Founder’s Congregational Church

Assistant Pastor
09.1985 - 05.1986

Job overview

Established in 1962, Founders Congregational Church in Harwinton, Connecticut is a tight-knit community sharing an active fellowship in Christ. The church is historic in that it links its founding with the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620. The people here look to these early Pilgrims for their heritage of historic religious freedom as members of the Congregational Way, recognizing always that, “The Lord hath more truth and light to break forth out of His Holy Word.” I, myself, ended up serving as an assistant pastor in this church while studying at Yale Divinity School from September 2005 to May 1996.

Samoan Congregational Church

Interim Pastor
09.1984 - 05.1985

Job overview

How I ended up as a pastor in this Samoan Congregational Christian Church in San Francisco was an act of Divine intervention. I was a full-time ministry student at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California from September 2002 to May 2005. And I had no intention of pursuing any pastoral opportunity at this time. But as they say, God works in mysterious ways and I ended up serving here as an interim pastor from September 1984 to May 1985. Glory to God.


Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN

Ph.D. from Hebrew Bible

Yale University Divinity School
New Haven, CT

Master of Arts from Biblical Studies

Pacific School of Religion
Berkeley, CA

Master of Arts from Pastoral Ministry

Malua Theological College
Malua, Samoa

Bachelor of Arts from Theological Studies


I offer a combination of unique skills & competencies in:

1 Global ministry consulting,

2 Church organization & administration

3 Pastoral leadership & problem-solving,

4 Scholarly publication,

5 Academic teaching & research,

6 Financial & investment planning,

7 Christian leadership training,

8 Torah-Bible codes interpretation,

9 Human resource management,

10 Multicultural & interpersonal leadership


Here are my accomplishments:

1. Wordsmith Magazine's Editor Pick of the Month

January 2024

2. #1 International Bestseller, The Hidden Secrets of the Master's Mind: How You Can Live with God's Time is now being transformed into a Documentary Film by Kew Media International Network

September 2023

3. Inducted to the Best-Selling Authors International Organization in recognition of his literary excellence

May 2023

4. Eippy Best Selling Author Award for Literary Excellence

March 2023

5. Marquis Who's Who in America

May 2022

6. Eippy Bestselling Author Award for Literary Excellence

April 2021

7. Inter-Faith and International Peace Award

December 2001

8. General Board of Global Ministry Award


9. Blakemore Foundation Award


10. Hispanic, Asian & American Foundation Award


11. Vanderbilt University Award


12. National Association of Churches of Christ Award


13. Yale University Divinity School Award


14. Congregational Foundation for Theological Studies Award


15. Richard Friend Peace Foundation Award


16. Joseph King Memorial Foundation Award


17. Pacific School of Religion Award


18. Australian Mobil Oil Award


19. Duke of Edinburgh Award



Certifications and licenses New Zealand School Certificate in English, Biology, Mathematics, and Geography

On November 1973 I passed the New Zealand Scholl Certificate Examination in English, Biology, Mathematics, and Geography and went on to become a founding member of the Form VI class at Leulumoega Fou College, Malua in 1973.

See my work availability
Not Available
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  • Congregational Christian Church of American Samoa July 2000 to Present
  • Tennessee Conference of the United Methodist Church September 1986 to Present
  • National Association of Professors of Hebrew September 1985 to Present
  • Society of Biblical Literature September 1982 to Present

Work Preference

Work Type

Full Time

Work Location



My special interest and plan is to help the students learn what is required for Judaic-Christian leadership from a theological perspective that is grounded in solid biblical and scientific knowledge.


Microsoft Word



Bethel-Woodlawn United Methodist Church
06.2015 - 07.2021


Martin’s Chapel UMC
06.2013 - 07.2015


Nashville Korean UMC English Ministry
07.2012 - 06.2013


Fairfield UMC
08.2008 - 06.2012

Senior Academic Associate

Charles Sturt University
09.2004 - 08.2006

Lecturer in Old Testament Studies

Pacific Theological College
07.2003 - 08.2006


Samoan Community Church of Carson
07.2000 - 03.2003


Fetu Ao Samoan United Methodist Church
08.1998 - 06.2000


Tennessee Foreign Language Institute
05.1997 - 06.1997


Summer Course of Study Program
07.1996 - 07.2001

Assistant Pastor

Founder’s Congregational Church
09.1985 - 05.1986

Interim Pastor

Samoan Congregational Church
09.1984 - 05.1985

Vanderbilt University

Ph.D. from Hebrew Bible

Yale University Divinity School

Master of Arts from Biblical Studies

Pacific School of Religion

Master of Arts from Pastoral Ministry

Malua Theological College

Bachelor of Arts from Theological Studies
Rev. Apelu Poe, Ph.D