Work History
Specialized Training
Testimony - Within Last Four Years
Additional Qualifications

Robert Ezeuka

Cherry Hill


I'm a highly motivated chemist with a proven ability to analyze and interpret data. In my previous role at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, I successfully analyze items and food products that crossed our borders by leveraging my skills in chromatography as well as other wet chemistry techniques. I'm particularly interested in this opportunity because I want to learn and grow in this new opportunity."


years of professional experience

Work History

Chemist (GS 12 Step 4)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
07.2018 - Current
  • Company Overview: Laboratories and Scientific Services, New York Laboratory, 1100 Raymond Blvd, 5th floor Newark NJ 07102
  • As a Chemist under the 1320 series, my primary duties include, but are not limited to, chemical and physical analyses of samples of imported merchandise or seized materials submitted to the laboratory and writing reports, stating the technical findings, interpretations, and conclusions of such analyses
  • Sample analyses encompass the analysis of complex, new, or unknown samples in the laboratory or in the field to identify the sample using wet laboratory procedures or advanced analytical instrumentation (LC-MS, HPLC, GC-MS, GC-FID, FTIR, NMR, Raman, TGA, auto titrator, particle size analysis, UV -visible spectrometer, nitrogen analyzer for protein content) and troubleshooting the instruments
  • In efforts to identify misclassified onion products entering the country as 'other onions' (toasted/roasted) (HTS 2005, duty rate 4.5%) and not 'dehydrated onions' (HTS 0712, duty rate 26%) as part of investigation with head quarter assignment to the NY lab, I have searched the literature and optimized LC MS method to determine chemical differences between toasted and dehydrated onion
  • PCA unsupervised multivariate statistical analysis of the LC MS data showed the LC MS method can effectively distinguish differences between toasted and dehydrated onion
  • Developed a method and verified the use of UHPLC-MS Sciex X500 QTOF system for trace analyte detection of veterinary drugs (antibiotics) in complex biological matrices as a part of HSI investigation on imported shrimp
  • This method replaced the ELISA method which requires kits for each antibiotic screening
  • LC-MS method was used for screening hundreds of antibiotics in short period of time, using the library spectra of the newly purchased LC-MS Sciex X500 QTOF system in the New York laboratory, and helped in avoiding the use of expensive kits
  • Initiated the exploration of the LC MS method with Dr
  • Matthew Birck, Senior Science Officer of LSS, for Honey country of origin investigation by LC-HRMS method
  • Developed a method and verified the use of UHPLC-MS Sciex X500 QTOF system for country-of-origin screening of honey samples
  • Principal Components Analysis (PCA) in Sciex MarkerView software was employed to discriminate the resulting Mass spectral data so as to differentiate the origin of honey based on different geographic region
  • Verified the applicability of the LC MS method on 40 references honey samples from 6 different countries using the PCA unsupervised multivariate statistical analysis to examine differences between and within groups of samples
  • PCA analysis showed the LC MS method can effectively distinguish samples from different geographical region
  • Work is in progress to include more of the honey references available in the New York lab to build an LC MS data base that can serve as an additional tool for honey country of origin determinations
  • The analysis can be useful in facilitating lawful trade and protect revenue
  • Optimized a method and verified the use of UHPLC-MS Sciex X500 QTOF system for detection of Amitraz in standard honey samples as apart of ongoing HSI investigation to detect the pesticide in honey samples
  • Optimized a method and verified the use of UHPLC-MS Sciex X500 QTOF system for simultaneous detection of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors (drugs used for erectile dysfunction (ED), sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil in a seized sample
  • The retention time of the analyte were under 5 minutes and a total run time of 8 min
  • This is a much shorter than the approximately 45 min retention time in a one hour run time currently in use by the GC MS of the forensic team
  • Maintained LC MS instrument including cleaning curtain plate and orifice plate, tuning, instrument mass calibration over the desired mass range, checking the vacuum in the mass spectrometer, instrument setup and method development
  • Developed a procedure for the uncertainty budget measurement (as a part of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 recommendation) for the HPLC sugar method and provided advice to the food team branch chief
  • Implemented and validated the repeatability of Karl Fischer (KF) titration method for measurement of moisture contents in various food samples with novel, complex matrix containing high sugar contents
  • With the older routinely used method, it was impossible to implement moisture content determination in these types of samples due to caramelization from the sugar contents
  • Independently implemented the KF titration method from scratch for determination of water (moisture) contents in novel samples or those involving high complexity in multi-component foods containing starch, fat, and protein in different proportions and in different structure
  • The food samples analyzed included: giner pickel, giner pickel with garlic, sugar syrup, caramel, butter, milk powder, creamer, sugar grain and panela sugar
  • Implemented and validated the repeatability total dietary fiber content determination by non-enzymatic/gravimetric method of a food sample with low starch contents submitted to the food team as a part of total carbohydrate contents determination
  • Reviewed the literature and the official methods for dietary fiber determination and determined the appropriated method
  • These proper selections of the analytical method saved lab time and expense on the purchase of enzymes (NY2023-0150)
  • Developed and implemented a fast TLC method for detection of FDA approved food dye and natural dye in food samples such as a caramel sample submitted to the lab and other food samples that are suspected to contain artificial dyes
  • Validated the sieving methods for the rate passage of milling products through sieves with reference to tariff classification within chapter 11 for the Canada boarder service agency (was involved in an inter-governments agency collaboration)
  • Validated gel formation as an alternative method for detection of gum percentage contents for an antidumping order of xanthan gum
  • This new approach cut analysis time from 24 hours to four hours and involved only 8 steps compared to the 36 steps and save 20 hours of an analyst time
  • Developed and reviewed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for existing and new analytical methods and instruments
  • Prepared SOP for identification of xanthan gum, detection of gum adulation and percentage of xanthan gum by dry weight as a part of the xanthan gum anti-dumping, operation of Sciex X500 QTOF LC-MS system, Karl Fischer (KF) Titration, Sieve analyzer and micropipettes
  • Reviewed SOP for nitrogen analyzer and titrator in the food team
  • Ensured the calibration/verification of analytical instruments, use of certified analytical reference standards and maintenance of the equipment prior use
  • Has been responsible for annual calibration of the New York laboratory micropipes since 2019 by an ISO accredited laboratory
  • Performed routine and non-routine maintenance on LC-MS, HPLC, GC-MS, auto titrator and nitrogen analyzer, including problem identification and resolution
  • Utilized GC–FID method for quantitative analysis of fatty acids composition and ethanol contents in complex food samples for trade rule enforcements (examples: palm oil sample, cream emulsion, and milk cream)
  • Conducted High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis for sugar contents of food samples in diverse and complex food matric including butter, milk, pickled ginger with garlic, pickled ginger without garlic, caramel, milk powder, coffee cream, waffle powder, milk tea, pre-blend seasoning
  • Implemented the Ewers method, based on the partial acid hydrolysis of starch, followed by measurement of the optical rotation of the resulting solution, for determination of starch purity in food samples
  • Independently determined the approach and methods to use, taking into consideration the chemical characteristics of submitted samples or analytical requests, and plans and carries out the work
  • In the cases of novel samples assigned for analysis, reviewed the literature, and provide recommendation on the appropriate analytical method to be used to the branch chief for approval and implementation
  • Reviewed the literature on accurate identification of plant species based on unique marker compounds for presumptive identification of plant material samples and provided recommendation to the food team branch chief on the appropriate analytical method to be used for approval and implementation (example of samples analyzed this way included those claimed to be grapefruit powder, yucca powder, Ginger powder, mariground flower etc.)
  • Performed technical review of analysts' reports in the food team for adequacy of test methods, reproducibility and accuracy of results, conformance of methods and results with CBP policies since November 2021
  • Have been the sole technical reviewer of lab reports on the NMR analysis of samples based on the country-of-origin study reports and data of standard honey samples to be used for Country-of-Origin database of honey samples in the food team
  • Also reviewed technical reports on authenticity of honey samples by NMR method
  • Have been the sole analyst performing xanthan gum identification, xanthan gum purity determination (Xanthan gum anti-dumping) and sieve analysis for determination of particle size distributions of food samples in the last three years in the food team of the New York laboratory
  • Have been determining acetic acid percentage in Shushi ginger samples
  • Provided classification technical opinion to national import specialists on Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of PVC plasticizers from Brazil (N324111 and N325595)
  • Provided classification technical opinion on pharmaceuticals including on pneumococcal polysaccharides vaccines, Spray-Dried Dispersion (SDD) Mixed Bulk Drug Product consisting of ivacaftor and tezacaftor, the use of various pharmaceutical impurity reference materials in pharmaceutical companies, wash buffer solution classification as diagnostic or laboratory reagent and elderberry extract classification
  • Also provided technical opinion to determine the proper HTS classification for the list of methamphetamine and fentanyl precursors and the 2020, 2021, 2022 International Nonproprietary Names for Pharmaceutical Substances (INN) as part of head quarter assignment through the food team branch chief
  • Assessed and provided resource budgetary needs and communicated the spending plan details to Branch Chief including funding towards operations, equipment (was actively involved with the purchase of the new LC-MS Sciex X500 QTOF system), training and development, travel, quality-related services, and supplies (such as HPLC grade solvents, reference standards, reagents, LC MS grade solvents and reagent (formic acid), mass spectrometry calibration solutions and the columns)
  • Successfully completed annual proficiency testing in the sugar analysis, moisture, and protein content determinations since 2019
  • Have been storing samples for one and half years (from February 2021 to August 2022) after analysis into the storage room and then disposing samples in LIN appropriately for the food team
  • Participated as an internal auditor to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 ANAB accreditation of the New York lab in 2022 and 2023, was interviewed on food team methods by analysts that were internal auditors and by external auditor from ANAB, interviewed analysts on various methods such as: Started cross training to be gauger auditor, Forensic method (Seized Drugs: Quantitative Determination Solid UV/Vis Spectroscopy (FO-20)) and Textile methods (Weave Construction Microscopy (ISO 7211-1) and number of threads per unit length microscopy, Micrometer (ISO 7211-2)), as well as being interviewed and demonstrating methods for the audit
  • Laboratories and Scientific Services, New York Laboratory, 1100 Raymond Blvd, 5th floor Newark NJ 07102


Master of Science - Molecular Biology

Rutgers University
Camden, NJ

Bachelor of Science - Chemistry

Rutgers University
Camden, NJ


  • Lab operations
  • Chemical handling
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Report writing
  • Laboratory techniques
  • Lab equipment maintenance
  • Data management
  • Chromatography techniques
  • Verbal and written communication skills
  • Data interpretation
  • Basic chemistry
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Chemical safety protocols
  • Quality control analysis
  • Chemical instrumentation
  • Experimental design
  • Research and development
  • Sample processing
  • Instrument Calibration
  • Spectroscopy methods
  • Inorganic synthesis
  • Adaptability in research
  • MRP and ERP systems
  • Chemical waste disposal
  • Instrumental analysis
  • Scientific writing
  • Chemical inventory tracking
  • Lab equipment calibration
  • Collaborative teamwork
  • Chemical separation techniques
  • Hazardous waste management
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Organic synthesis
  • Environmental chemistry
  • Purchasing coordination
  • Results interpretation
  • Records management
  • Equipment management
  • SAP systems
  • Chemical storage management
  • Electrochemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Nuclear chemistry


Internal Auditor to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, ANAB, 02/2023 - Present

Specialized Training

  • LSS Gauger Auditor Class, 07/24/23, 24 hrs, Houston, Texas
  • CPR/Narcan training, 06/27/23, 4 hrs, New York Laboratory
  • Agilent Gas Chromatograph Spectral Interpretation courses, 06/15/23 - 06/16/23, 16 hrs, Savannah, Georgia
  • LSS Academy - Basic Forensic Scientist Class, 05/09/23 - 05/18/23, 64 hrs, Interdict Science Center
  • Spring into action: Developing Modern LC Method, 03/19/23, 8 hrs, Parsippany, NJ
  • Uncertainty, Sampling and Data Analysis, 05/02/23 - 05/04/23, 18 hrs, ANAB Webex training
  • The Corrective Action Process and Cause Analysis for Forensic Service Providers, 04/05/23 - 04/06/23, 8 hrs, ANAB Webex training
  • Internal Auditing to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 training course, 02/07/23 - 02/09/23, 24 hrs, ANAB Webex training
  • SCIEX training for X500, 01/10/23 - 01/12/23, 24 hrs, New York Laboratory
  • Virtual DEA Forensic Chemist Seminar, 09/12/22 - 09/16/22, 30 hrs, Webex training
  • Introduction to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) - section I and II, 11/08/22 - 11/17/22, 10 hrs, Interdict Science Center
  • DART training, 08/10/22, 10 hrs, New York lab
  • Mass Spectra Interpretation Course, 08/01/20 - 10/31/20, Self-paced training
  • Infrared Spectral Interpretation, 07/01/20, 24 hrs, Virtual training
  • Interpretation of 1D and 2D NMR Spectra, 08/01/20, Self-paced training


  • American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, 2008
  • American Chemical Society, 2008

Testimony - Within Last Four Years

No past testimonies within the last four years

Additional Qualifications

Successfully completed annual proficiency testing in sugar analysis, moisture, and protein content determinations since 2020.


Chemist (GS 12 Step 4)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
07.2018 - Current

Master of Science - Molecular Biology

Rutgers University

Bachelor of Science - Chemistry

Rutgers University
Internal Auditor to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, ANAB, 02/2023 - Present
Robert Ezeuka