Aviation professional with proven track record in managing flight operations and ensuring safety as Captain, B-737. Demonstrates high standards and results-driven approach, contributing significantly to team performance. Known for strong collaboration, adaptability to changing conditions, and exceptional leadership, mentorship and problem-solving skills.
Airline transport pilot (ATP) type ratings:
ATP Multi-engine land -B737, - DC9 SIC only, BE1900 Second in command required, EMB 120,
Commercial - Single engine land
2 Letters of appreciation USMC
Aviation Safety Award 1000 Mishap free hours April 1989 USMC
Special Performance Award US Postal Service 2002
Certificate of Appreciation Laguna Beach Post Office 1997, 1998, 2003
B-737 Initial Training Course Aeroservice Aviation Center, March 2010
B-737 Initial Training Course Aeroservice Aviation Center, March 2010
PIC: B-737 2321.77 hrs
SIC: B-737 6670.16 hrs
TOTAL: B-737 8991.93 hrs
SIC: B717 2880 hrs*
PIC: EMB-120 2612 hrs*
SIC: EMB-120 850 hrs*
PIC: BE-1900 1676 hrs*
Light civil aircraft 750 single engine 105 multi engine*
TOTAL time Airlines: 17009.93*
TOTAL multi engine 17114.93*
Total flight time: 17864.93*
* Original logbooks stolen in home burglary