Goal-oriented and professional educator who would love to utilize skills and experience in educational settings. Seeking opportunities to utilize my successful track record of educational leadership knowledge, effective teaching methods, and rapport building abilities with students while leading and teaching LLCC Dual Credit Composition class at Beardstown High School.
years of professional experience
Work History
English Teacher - Grades 11 & 12
Beardstown High School
Beardstown , IL
12.2022 - Current
Utilized Study Sync platform for teaching informative writing, literary analysis, argumentative writing, narrative writing and poetry writing.
Utilized Study Sync platform for teaching American Literature and British Literature.
Provided feedback on written assignments submitted by students.
Encouraged students to think critically about their writing projects.
Instructed students on the fundamentals of grammar, diction and syntax.
Provided guidance and feedback to help improve student writing skills.
Taught rhetorical analysis and devices as part of the reading, writing, listening and speaking process.
Assessed student work using rubrics and provided timely feedback on written assignments.
Developed and implemented creative lesson plans to engage students in literature studies.
Encouraged collaboration among students by providing group activities and discussions.
Used a variety of teaching methods such as lectures, presentations, readings, and multimedia resources.
Assigned reading materials to enhance student knowledge of the subject matter.
Evaluated student performance on tests and assignments to assess their progress.
Maintained records of student attendance, grades, and other academic data for reporting purposes.
Engaged students in meaningful conversations about the themes, characters, and plot points in various novels or stories.
Created a positive classroom environment that was conducive to learning elements of literature and elements of writing effectively.
Incorporated technology into lessons when appropriate to make them more engaging.
Motivated reluctant readers to take an interest in studying different genres of literature.
Inspired curiosity within the students regarding the history behind classic literary works.
Differentiated instruction for students with wide range of skill and interest levels.
Boosted student learning by facilitating in-depth classroom discussions to expand upon lectures.
Promoted safe and clean classroom environment conducive to individualized and small group needs.
Explained how to write effective essays, stories, poems, reports.
Compiled, administered and graded examinations and other assigned work.
Conducted assessments of student writing to evaluate their progress.
Utilized technology resources to develop immersive, informative lessons.
Cultivated deeper understanding of themes in students and helped each read works to find meanings and explore concepts.
English Teacher - Grades 7-12
Rogue Valley Academy
Medford , OR
07.2006 - 08.2022
Guided students to write for varied purposes and audiences to develop writing skills.
Provided feedback on written assignments submitted by students.
Taught types of writing including expository, narrative, descriptive, persuasive, research, poetry.
Taught essay writing classes to prepare students for college-level writing.
Wrote and received a grant from Loma Linda University in the amount of $2000.00 for a STEM semester long project intended for grades 5-8 called 'Brain Biz'.
Conducted Zoom online English Instruction.
Utilized daily RenWeb and iNow online Student Grading and Attendance applications.
Trained in Standards Based Learning Techniques.
Instructed staff and students in Renaissance Learning Online Accelerated Reader Program for grades 3-12.
Directed staff and students in the IXL Interactive Online Learning Program for grades 3-12.
Guided students in Grades 5-12 in navigating and utilizing the No Red Ink educational online writing curriculum.
Utilized Google Classroom for Education as well as Google Sheets, Google Keep, Google Slides, Google Forms, and Google Sites.
Utilized Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Powerpoint.
Instructed students on the use of online presentation and study skills tools including Prezi, Glogster, Canva, Poster My Wall, Pear Deck, Haiku Deck, Keynote, Quizzlet, Kahn Academy.
Enlightened students in grades 11-12 in implementation of the Anchor Podcast app for student educational projects.
Customized innovative methods and materials to produce effective learning experiences.
Tested students on concepts taught in class to determine comprehension levels.
Evaluated students' comprehension of lessons through relevant test questions.
Repeated key lesson information to teach grammar and help students grasp concepts.
Integrated technology daily into classroom instruction to engage students and diversify instruction.
Established and enforced clear class objectives and requirements to promote consistent education for students.
Integrated media content in class to improve listening skill, speaking skill and vocabulary.
Identified online resources to complement traditional course materials and aid in student learning.
Required spoken and written student responses to contexts to increase reading comprehension.
Made learning grammar fun by involving problem-solving and language play.
Advised students to read topics or materials reflecting personal interests to encourage regular reading.
Prompted bilingual students to participate in oral communication to boost confidence in speaking new language.
Designed clear and creative learning materials to promote student engagement in pronunciation exercises.
Identified students' level of reading difficulty to provide appropriate reinforcement.
Developed class learning plans to meet district and statement requirements for instruction.
Prepared informative classroom lectures on literature, poetry and historical authors to engage and educate students.
Encouraged student critical thinking and discussion using a variety of teaching techniques such as inquiry based learning, questioning, student led discussions, and collaboration.
Employed wide variety of fiction and non-fiction textual materials to encourage students to read independently.
Facilitated National Honor Society Program.
Organized yearly golf tournament and school auction along with a fundraising committee to raise scholarship funds for students.
Planned and raised funds for engaging, educational 8th Grade class trips each year.
Managed community service as part of the junior high school curriculum.
Handled disciplinary problems with calm and poise and reported escalating issues to principal.
Springfield Christian School
Springfield, IL
07.2004 - 06.2005
Developed positive relationships with school students, teachers and local community.
Informed students and parents of policies and procedures regarding student behavior and disciplinary actions.
Evaluated student behavior issues by reviewing established discipline standards and noting trends in infractions.
Developed and implemented standards for student academic achievement aligned with district, state and local initiatives.
Collaborated with various departments to support and establish programs, lessons and student activities.
Resolved various situations to cultivate strong student and parent relationships.
Met and listened to student concerns to encourage, guide and assist, resulting in improved academics.
Devised lesson plans in alignment with state curriculum standards and created balanced instructional programs, demonstrations and work time to meet educational and instructional goals.
Involved parents in student education by cultivating strong relationships.
Taught students subject-specific material, learning strategies and social skills.
Directed individualized instruction in various subjects to achieve educational goals and drive curriculum requirements.
Offered hands-on learning opportunities to develop student self-esteem and life skills.
Translated lesson plans into learning experiences and routinely evaluated student progress and social development.
Prepared, administered and graded evaluative materials such as examinations and quizzes and created and maintained accurate student records.
Built strong relationships with parents and students, driving investment in academics.
Used technology to drive instruction and maximize student achievement.
Maintained well-resourced classrooms to promote physical and emotional safety.
Embraced and actively promoted inclusive and equitable learning environment.
Deployed assessment data to drive instruction and student mastery of standards.
Cultivated and developed inclusive and equitable working relationships with students, families and staff.
Prepared daily and weekly lesson plans to help students meet learning goals.
Designed and facilitated differentiated and personalized learning goals and activities to engage students.
Pursued positive methods to correct student behavior, delivering constructive feedback upon improvement.
Academic/Residential Dean
Broadview Academy
LaFox, IL
07.2001 - 06.2004
Directed and taught the English as a Second Language Program.
Developed and updated academy handbooks and brochures.
Advised students on course selection, progress toward graduation and career decisions.
Collaborated with teachers to understand and improve classroom conditions.
Boosted registrations by improving promotional outreach and marketing for potential students and parent engagement strategies.
Enhanced educational curriculum project based programs by aligning procedures with changing trends in education.
Worked successfully with our diverse group of coworkers to accomplish goals and address issues related to class offerings and schedules.
Prioritized and organized tasks to efficiently accomplish education and service goals.
Demonstrated leadership by making improvements to work processes and helping to train others.
Demonstrated self-reliance by meeting and exceeding educational goals such as compliance with common core state standards in each class offered for student learning.
Improved campus operations by working with faculty, parents, and stake holders to find workable and implementable solutions.
Provided excellent service and attention in communication with parents regarding student needs and success when face-to-face, and through phone conversations.
Motivated and encouraged fellow administrative and faculty members to communicate more openly and constructively with each other by utilizing meetings and conferences in a timely and effective manner.
Motivated and encouraged faculty to communicate more openly and constructively by incorporating creative meeting groups concluded with collaboration.
Kindergarten Teacher
AC Central School District
Chandlerville/Ashland, IL
08.1993 - 05.1996
Monitored, documented and reported students' progress and performance.
Implemented focused lessons for literacy readiness highlighting phonics, language comprehension and writing abilities.
Coordinated conferences with parents to discuss student progress and establish goals for improvement and advancement.
Improved students' reading independence using methodical sensory lessons on phonemic awareness and strategies for decoding by sounding out words.
Guided reading aloud to spark imagination and foster reading comprehension and vocabulary development.
Adapted teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students' varying needs and interests.
Fostered language development, comprehension and vocabulary using traditional poetry, nursery rhymes and riddles.
Prepared students for state required achievement assessments.
Utilized current technology to enhance student learning.
Referred students with suspected learning problems to appropriate support personnel.
Used wide range of instructional strategies and technologies to meet and enhance needs of diverse student population.
Assessed each child's developmental needs on continuous basis.
Supervised students on school grounds, field trips and during various school functions.
Documented and shared important milestones with each student's parents and guardians.
Attended educational conferences and teacher training workshops to improve professional competence.
Established and reinforced rules for behavior policies and procedures to maintain order among students.
Developed lesson plans consistent with established guidelines and goals.
Created and maintained safe learning environment for students.
Employed evidence-based methods of classroom teaching and direction.
Worked closely with peers to devise and utilize advanced technology and smart boards.
Implemented the Math Their Way instructional program.
Implemented the Writing to Read instructional program.
Master of Arts - English Education
Grand Canyon University
Phoenix, AZ
Master of Arts - Educational Leadership
Walla Walla University
Walla Walla, WA
Bachelor of Arts - Psychology / Teacher Education
University of Illinois
Springfield, IL
Associate of Arts - Elementary Education
Spoon River College
Canton, IL
Zoom Online Educator
Educational Leadership Skills
Classroom Management
Time Management
Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking
Decision Making
Detail Oriented
Written and Verbal Communication
Online and Virtual Instruction
Group and Individual Instruction
Relationship Building
Collaborative Thinking
Illinois Educator License - English Language Arts - Senior HS - Grade 9 through Grade 12 - STA
Illinois Educator LIcense - K-9 Elementary Education - Endorsements in Social Science and Language Arts
Mr. Josh Sorrells, Principal, Beardstown High School, 217-323-3665, sorrellsj@beardstown.com
Mr. Chad Beam, Vice Principal, Beardstown High School, 217-323-3665, beamc@beardstown.com