Dedicated Police Corporal offering over 30+ years of law enforcement experience. Known for going above and beyond job requirements to make lasting impact on department and public. Exceptional integrity, leadership and problem-solving abilities.
Mental Resilience
Multicultural Sensitivity
Community policing
Crime Prevention
Community Relations
Conflict de-escalation
National Defense Service Medal.
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.
Army Reserves Component Achievement Medals.- 3
United States Army NCO Academy/ Warrior Leader Course.
Construction Engineering Supervisor Advanced Leadership Course (ALC Phases I and II).
Observer & Controller Training Courses.
Level 3- Structured Self Development Course.
Range Safety Officer.
Certified Crisis Intervention Team Officer.
Advanced Community Policing and Problem Solving.
Field Training Instructor.
Basic Crime Scene Investigation.
Leadership for Front-Line Supervisors.
Police Cyclist.
Active Shooter Initial Response.