I've been a very dependable and credible Field Operator for the past 9+ years. I started out not very sure because of my experience level but soon grasped the concept of pumping and took off with it. I have pumped anywhere from the "old school" tank battery and wellhead to the most modern and state of the art facilities in west and east Texas. Before operating I worked on the construction end of the pipeline for a total of 2+ years where I was part of the ground disturbance all the way until the back fill. Starting out as just a roustabout hand and eventually moving up becoming crew pusher and heavy equipment operator, I was able to learn about the various tasks throughout the whole pipeline process. I also worked for an electrical/lightning protection company for 3 years. I did not know anything about electrical before working for this company, but after hands on experience and soaking in what my mentors had shown me I began to quickly understand the whole process of this trade. Having acquired this skill it quickly helped me with troubleshooting automation issues. I'm very well rounded in all aspects of being a Field Operator and I give a lot of credit to working for various companies learning different traits.