Hydrologist and water resources specialist with a Ph.D. in Rural Engineering focused on Water and Forest Management. Currently an Associate Professor at the Silvo-Pastoral Institute of Tabarka, teaching courses in Bioclimatology, Hydrology, Water and Soil conservation, and GIS applications. Expertise in watershed management, flood modeling, and studying the effects of climate change on water resources. Extensive experience supervising student research projects and utilizing advanced modeling tools to address real-world water management challenges. Recognized for dedication to international collaboration and continuous learning in the field through the Agnese Haury Visiting Scholar Fellowship at the University of Arizona's Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.
Mentored 25+ students at all academic levels, including:
1st January to 28 February 2025: Agnese Haury Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (LTRR), University of Arizona, USA.
17-21/06/2019: International Mobility for Staff teaching and training activities from Erasmus+ on the Research Department of Irrigation and Water Management (ÖVKI)/National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NAIK), Szarvas-Hungary.
Chapter Book
1. Sahar Abidi, Nasr Souid, Toubal Abderrezak Kamel, Mohammed Achite, Lamia Lâajili Ghezal,2023. Sediment Assessment of Medjerda High Valley Dams (Tunisia) Using PISA Model. Water Resources Management and Sustainability Book-Springer, DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-25406-0_23, pp347-360.
2. Abidi S., Hajji O., Hannachi B., Habaieb H.,2019. Mean rainfall variability effects on the hydrological response of Medjerda High Valley. Advances in Sustainable and Environmental Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Hydrochemistry and Water Resources, Proceedings of the1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01572-5 . pp21-24
3. ABIDI S., HAJJI O. and HABAIEB H.,2017. Study of Rainfall Variations in Tessa Subwatershed of Medjerda River in Tunisia. Water Resources in Arid Areas: The Way Forward, Springer Water Book. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51856-5_4 . pp59-74.
Scientific Publications in International Journal
4. John Risley, Dalila Kherchouche, Said Slimani, Mehvish Majeed, Sahar Abidi, Safia Belhadj, Ammar Menasri, Sobhi Muhammad, Fadwa Y., A-Khawaldah, Ramzi Touchan, and David M. Meko "Precipitation Reconstruction Using Tree-Ring Chronologies from Jordan and the Eastern Mediterranean Region", Tree-Ring Research,80(2),2024). https://doi.org/10.3959/TRR2023-09
5. Sahar Abidi, Olfa Hajji, Wael Esseah, Ahmed Ezzine et Taoufik Hermassi, Cartographie du risque d’inondation de la Haute Vallée de Medjerda avec Hec– Ras. Journal International Sciences et Technique de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (JISTEE) ISNN (electronica):1737-9350; ISSN (printed):1737-6688; Volume IV – Numéro1 – Décembre2019. pp223-232. http://jistee.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Journal-ISTEE-VolumeIV-Numéro-1-06-02-2020_1.pdf
6. ABIDI S., EL AYARI M., HAJJI O. and HABAIEB H.,2018. Method of decision making for flood management of Medjerda High Valley, Volume CIRS (19)., Journal of new sciences, Agriculture and Biotechnology, Indexed, E-ISSN2286-5314, pp3413-3422.
7. ABIDI S., HAJJI O. and HABAIEB H.,2015. Spatial and Temporal Variations of Rainfall in a Tributary of Medjerda River in Tunisia (Tessa Watershed), Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS, Vol3, Issue1, ISSN:2052-5583, pp25-31.
8. ABIDI S., HAJJI O. and HABAIEB H.,2015. Application du modèle de Muskingum pour la prévision des crues de la Medjerda en Tunisie, Geo-Sp Publication Mag, Vol.4 N.8, pp.53-61. https://geosp.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ABIDI_Sahar_2.pdf
9. Sahar ABIDI, Olfa HAJJI, and Hamadi HABAIEB, “Flow forecasting by Muskingum model of Medjerda River in Tunisia,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Sciences, vol.10, no.4, pp.1277–1285, March2015. https://ijias.issr-journals.org/abstract.php?article=IJIAS-14-345-03
10. ABIDI S., HAJJI O. and HABAIEB H.,2015. Flood routing with real-time method for flash flood forecasting in the plain Bou Salem-Medjerda River in Tunisia, International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, e-ISSN:2320-8163, Volume3, Issue1, Indexed, pp.75-79. https://www.ijtra.com/ijtraissue51.php.
11. EZZINE A., ABIDI S., LAZREG A., BACHA S., HABAIEB H., BEL HADJ ALI A., POLICELLI F.S., SHAHID H., DAVID J.L.,2014. Sensitivity Analysis of the flood forecasting with Crest model in the upstream of Medjerda River (Tunisia), Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS, ISSN:2052-5583, Vol.2, Issue2, pp.24-27.
12. ABIDI S., HAJJI O., HEMASSI T., HABAIEB H.,2014. Influence of considering tributaries to reconstruct flood hydrograph of an extreme event on the upstream portion of Medjerda River, International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health, Vol1(3), I.F:2.471, pp.54-62. http://journalissues.org/irjpeh/abstract/abidi/ DOI:10.15739/irjpeh, ISSN:2360-8803(Online) ISSN:2814-3817(Print).