EMT-Basic Deaconess Henderson Hospital, EMS
Henderson, KY
06.2021 - 03.2022
Supervisor: James Ivy, 383 Borax Dr. Henderson KY, 42420. 270-823-3161
Remained level-headed and proactive during emergency situations.
Demonstrated dedication to providing quality care through continued training and education.
Documented calls in reports detailing incident type and course of treatment.
Operated emergency vehicles with caution to keep patients, public and first responders safe.
Developed strong rapport with other medical professionals to foster quality and efficient patient care.
Reviewed inventory levels prior to shift and restocked ambulance to prepare for service.
Performed CPR and used cardiac defibrillator to revive patients in cardiac arrest or arrythmia.
Assessed emergency situations and prioritized medical care for patients.
Rendered direct patient care by stabilizing patients and determining course of action based on triage.
Conducted equipment inspections and vehicle checks in adherence with required maintenance schedules.
Evaluated patients' medical status and monitored vital signs during transit.
Monitored patients from scene to hospital transfer while conducting in-transit care.
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