Hardworking and passionate job seeker with strong organizational skills eager to secure entry-level Software Engineer position. Ready to help team achieve company goals.
Plant Leaf Disease Detection Project -
The project used image processing, machine learning, and deep learning techniques to automate the detection and classification of various plant diseases, which can help users and agronomists manage crop health more effectively.
Smart Parking Project :
The project was created to streamline the parking experience for both users and parking operators. It involved the integration of IoT (Internet of Things) devices, sensors, data analytics, and mobile applications to provide real-time information on parking availability, optimize parking space usage, and enhance the overall efficiency of parking operations.
Sensors installed in parking spaces detect whether a space is occupied or available.
Data from sensors is transmitted to a central server or cloud platform.
Women Safety Project -
This project leveraged mobile applications, wearable devices, and data analytics to enhance women's safety. It features an SOS button, real-time GPS tracking, and integration with emergency services for immediate assistance. The system also uses machine learning to predict high-risk situations and provide preventive alerts, promoting a safer environment.
Smart parking: This is a simple solution for large parking plots using either pressure plates or sensors with signals. Women Safety: Software that detects your location and determines whether you are in crime free area or not and sends SOS to selected numbers and police. Plant-leaf Disease detection : it uses machine learning to detect defects of the specified plant and leaves by comparing them to the database and telling what is the species of the plant and its ailment.