Work History
Resident Information
contact information
Emergency Contact Savannah Clarice Bart
Current Residence Savannah Clarice Bart
Current Employer Savannah Clarice Bart
Pet/ Animal Information
Vehicle Information
Rental Criteria - Qualification Guidelines And Rental Criteria
Consent Form

Savannah Bart


Hardworking Horse Trainer with 10 years of successful experience at monitoring horse health and habit-breaking training. Student at the University of Texas at Dallas with experience in retail sales, restaurant multitasking, and educated in topics of psychology, statistics, and criminal understanding.


years of professional experience

Work History

Horse trainer/rider instructor

North Texas equestrian center
07.2021 - Current
  • Inspected, prepared, cleaned, disinfected and maintained comfortable horse stable and enclosures.
  • Coached and trained students in basic care and maintenance of horses and stables in addition to riding technique, form and skills.

Waitress Trainer

03.2023 - 11.2023
  • Developed strong communication skills by effectively conveying information between kitchen staff, management, and waitstaff.
  • Improved customer satisfaction by providing exceptional service and addressing guest concerns promptly.
  • Maintained consistent customer satisfaction rates through attentive listening skills and prompt issue resolution when necessary.
  • Provided support during high volume periods by efficiently managing multiple tables simultaneously without compromising service quality.

Retail Sales Associate

Victoria's Secret & PINK
10.2022 - 02.2023
  • Greeted customers and helped with product questions, selections, and purchases.
  • Stocked merchandise, clearly labeling items, and arranging according to size or color.
  • Maintained clean sales floor and straightened and faced merchandise.
  • Maintained a clean and organized store environment, enhancing the overall shopping experience for customers.

Waitress Trainer

Cracker Barrels Old Country Store
07.2020 - 07.2021
  • Improved customer satisfaction by providing exceptional service and addressing guest concerns promptly.
  • Developed strong communication skills by effectively conveying information between kitchen staff, management, and waitstaff.
  • Provided support during high volume periods by efficiently managing multiple tables simultaneously without compromising service quality.


Bachelor of Science - Criminology

The University of Texas At Dallas
Richardson, TX


  • Customer Service
  • Patience and Persistence
  • Stable Management
  • Horse Health Care
  • Team motivation
  • Patience and Tact
  • Problem-Solving
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Data Analysis
  • Analytical Skills
  • Quantitative Research

Resident Information

Savannah C.Bart, Wylie, Texas

contact information

  • 6782949637

Emergency Contact Savannah Clarice Bart

Christina Bart, Mother, 7704039720,

Current Residence Savannah Clarice Bart

University village apartments, Rent, 2400 Waterview Pkwy, Richardson, TX, 75080-2270,

Current Employer Savannah Clarice Bart

North Texas equestrian center, 1765 southveiw dr, Wylie, TX, 75189, Horse trainer/rider instructor, Employed, 07/28/21

Pet/ Animal Information

DOG, Black, Lab, 4, 75 lb, Brutus

Vehicle Information

  • Truck, Black, Ram 1500, 2022
  • MOTOR, Black, Kawasaki Ninja, 2014

Rental Criteria - Qualification Guidelines And Rental Criteria

$H - I$ This community utilizes an Identity Verification service. This service may contact you via text, email, or phone to verify your identity as part of the application process. We are delighted you are interested in leasing a home in our apartment community. Below we have listed the criteria for qualifying as a resident with us. Applicants for apartment homes are accepted on a first come, first serve basis and are subject to the availability of the apartment type requested. "Available" apartments include those where a notice to vacate has been received from the current resident on or about a certain date. Circumstances not necessarily under management's control may delay the date of the availability of an apartment in which management may believe would be ready for a new resident. Whether a particular apartment is available may vary significantly within several hours or days.To be considered for approval, all persons over the age of 18 must fully complete a separate rental application. Any omissions, errors or falsifications may result in denial of an application or terminate the right to occupy the apartment.Roommates must apply and qualify separately. People with a joint credit record may completeone application or apply separately. All applications are subject to approval through a computerized scored reviewthrough an outside application agency. Approval/Denial is based on a review of the following criteria:Income/Employment: Income relative to rent and debt is factored into the scoring system. Gross income must be approximately three (3) times the rental amount. Proof of income and all sources of income must be verifiable. Income for roommates may be combinedfor qualification purposes. Employmentmust reflect a twelve (12) months of employment. Verification can include four (4) consecutive pay check stubs, written, notarized documentation from incomesource on companyletterhead, bank statement(if requested), employmentoffer letter documenting salary, returns, child supportdocumentation, etc. Senior Citizens and retirees willbe accepted as an alternative to being employed but applicantmust still meet criteria with regardsto income and credit. Student loan documents showing allotment for housing is an acceptablesource of income. A guarantormay be used if a prospective resident fails to meet Income/Employment standards or is a full time student(enrollment documentation must be provided).The guarantor must meet all qualifying criteria, in addition to current housing obligations. The guarantor must completeand sign a lease guaranty agreement. Applicant(s) may be denied occupancy for insufficient income.Rental Verification: Twelve (12) months verifiable rental history in good standing is required. Any monies owed to other rental communities or previous eviction proceedings may result in denial or additional deposit.Applicant Screening: DayRise Residential, LLC evaluates each person applying for occupancy for approval through a third party applicants creening agency. Approvals of all applications are based on empirical system that incorporates various credit factors along with other non-statistical factors to determineover all applicant worthiness. The primary criterion used to determine rental decisions is a statistical score (Leasing Desk Score). It is a cumulative analysis from several indicators that calculates an applicant's overall credit score and rates each applicantfrom 0 to 1000, with a high number an indication of lower financial risk. In addition to the LeasingDesk score, other factors may impact the overall rental decision of an applicant including criminal background checks,rental and evictionhistories, check writing history as well as other indicators. When these non-statistical factors are combined with the LeasingDesk score, an overall rental result is determined.Criminal Background: DayRise Residential, LLC conducts a criminal background search on each person over the age of 18 applyingto live at its community.It is the company'spolicy not to accept prospective residents who have $H - I$beencharged with and/or convicted of felonies and/or misdemeanors involving violence against persons and/or property, theft, drug related crimes, etc.Renter's Insurance: Proof of renter's insurancefrom at least one lease holder per apartment with a minimum $100,000 personal liability coverage is requiredprior to the move in date. Our insurancedoes not cover the loss of or damage to your personal property.We urge you to get your own insurance for losses due to theft, fire, water damage, pipe leaks and other similar occurrences. Renter's Insurance does not cover losses due to rising flood water. Information on renter's insurance is available from the Texas Department of Insurance.Occupancy: The following occupancystandards will apply:Efficiency/One Bedroom: Two (2) PersonsTwo Bedroom: Four (4) PersonsThree Bedroom: Six (6) PersonsFour Bedroom: Eight (8) PersonsInfant Policy: A child under the age of twenty four (24) months at move-inwill not be counted for purposesof the persons per bedroomoccupancy standard.Once the child reaches 24 months of age, it will be necessary to relocate to a unit with an appropriate number of bedrooms.Pets: If pets are allowed, an additionalpet fee will be required. No exotic pets or livestockare allowed. There is a maximum of two (2) pets per apartment. Breed restrictions for dogs include: Akitas, Chows, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Mastiffs, Pit Bulls, Rottweiler, Siberian Huskies and Wolf Hybrids. Any mixes of these breeds are also prohibited.

Consent Form

(i) Resident and Owner's leasing representative have reviewed this Lease (including all addenda to this Lease); (ii) Owner's leasing representative, as "Owner's Agent" and Resident have initialed each page of this Lease and selected provisions where indicated; and (iii) Resident has agreed to the terms, covenants and conditions provided in this Lease and signed the page of this Lease on which the Resident's signature blank appears. To the extent allowed by applicable law and notwithstanding the initials provided by the respective parties and Resident's signature, Resident further acknowledges that this Lease shall only be binding upon Owner for a period of 30 days from the Contract Date identified in page 1 of this Lease unless the community manager for the Community has signed this Lease on behalf of Dayrise Residential LLC., as agent, not as principal, for the Owner where indicated in the end of this Lease. At the time the community manager signs the lease, it becomes binding upon both parties for the full term of the Lease. In the event that the community manager objects to any terms, covenants or conditions provided in this Lease, Resident will be so notified within 30 days from the Contract Date, Resident shall only have the right to occupy the Apartment Home for a period of 30 days from the Contract Date unless the Resident agrees with the revised terms, covenants or conditions. In the event that the community manager neither signs this Lease where indicated or objects to any terms, covenants or conditions of this Lease within 30 days from the Contract Date, this Lease shall, nonetheless, be binding upon Owner and Resident as if the community manager had signed the Lease without objection. In addition to the foregoing, to the extent allowed by applicable law, both parties agree that: (i) this Lease, applicable State Addendum and other lease documentation may be signed by each respective party's electronic signature; (ii) a Lease, State Addendum and other lease documentation signed with an electronic signature shall be as binding as an originally signed Lease, State Addendum and other lease documentation; and (iii) an electronically signed Lease, State Addendum and other lease documentation may not be denied legal effect or enforceability solely because it is in electronic form or signed with an electronic signature., You declare that all your statements on the Application are true and complete. You authorize us to verify same through any means, including consumer reporting agencies and other rental housing owners. You acknowledge that you had an opportunity to review our rental selection criteria, which include reasons your application may be denied, such as criminal history, credit history, current income, and rental history. You understand that if you do not meet our rental selection criteria or if you fail to answer any question or give false information, we may reject the application, retain all application fees, administrative fees, and deposits as liquidated damages for our time and expense, and terminate your right of occupancy. Giving false information is a serious criminal offense. In lawsuits relating to the application or Lease Contract, the prevailing party may recover from the non-prevailing party all attorneys' fees and litigation costs. We may at any time furnish information to consumer reporting agencies and other rental housing owners regarding your performance of your legal obligations, including both favorable and unfavorable information about your compliance with the Lease Contract, the rules, and financial obligations. Fax signatures are legally binding. You acknowledge that our privacy policy is available to you.


Waitress Trainer

03.2023 - 11.2023

Retail Sales Associate

Victoria's Secret & PINK
10.2022 - 02.2023

Horse trainer/rider instructor

North Texas equestrian center
07.2021 - Current

Waitress Trainer

Cracker Barrels Old Country Store
07.2020 - 07.2021

Bachelor of Science - Criminology

The University of Texas At Dallas
Savannah Bart