EFFECTIVENESS OF WAVE HINDCASTS FOR FORCING MEDIUM-SCALE MORPHODYNAMIC MODELS, 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, California, USA, 09/03/06 - 09/08/06, 2195-2207, EFFECT OF STORM EVENTS ON THE MORPHODYNAMICS OF TIDALLY-DOMINATED COASTAL ENVIRONMENT, 7th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 09/10/06 - 09/13/06, MORPHODYNAMICS DUE TO STORM SURGES IN A TIDALLY-DOMINATED COASTAL ENVIRONMENT, 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, 08/31/08 - 09/05/08, 2195-2207, MODELLING OF MEDIUM-SCALE MORPHODYNAMICS IN THE PARANAGU ESTUARINE COMPLEX IN BRAZIL, Brazilian-German Cooperation on Marine Sciences Seminar, Curitiba, Brazil, 09/01/09, Poster, MORPHODYNAMIC MODELING OF A TIDAL CHANNEL NEAR AN OIL PLATFORM USING PROCESS-BASED MODEL, 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Shanghai, China, 06/30/10 - 07/05/10, INTEGRATION OF FIELD MEASUREMENTS AND NUMERICAL MODELING OF COASTAL ENGINEERING, 1st Libyan student workshop, Berlin, Germany, 06/26/10, Poster, Studying some of drinking water properties produced by water treatment units in Gyhrian city, First International Libyan Water Conference, 04/24/18 - 04/26/18, Tripoli-Libya, Study of properties of light concrete produced using polystyrene, 7th National conference for building materials and structural engineering, 11/05/18 - 11/06/18, Albhayda, Libya, 215-223, Comparative study of some kinds of steel in the local market of Libya, 7th National conference for building materials and structural engineering, 11/05/18 - 11/06/18, Albhayda, Libya, 202-214, Numerical Modelling of pumping stations for Yefran City-Libya, International Conference on Technology, 03/04/19 - 03/06/19, Tripoli, Libya, 215-223, Assessment of Wave Energy Converters using SWAN Model in Coast of Oman Considering its role in Air Pollution Reduction, International Conference on Air pollution and climate change, 01/01/23, Muscat, Oman, Modeling of Seawater Intrusion into Salalah Coastal Plain Aquifer, Sultanate of Oman, International Conference on Air pollution and climate change, 01/01/23, Muscat, Oman, Numerical Simulation of Climate Changes Impacts on The Coast of Oman, 2nd International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction, 02/01/23, Doha, Qatar, Study of Turbulence in Open Channels Using Two-Equation Models, 2nd International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction, 02/01/23, Doha, Qatar, A case study of sediment transport in the Paranagua Estuary Complex in Brazil, R. Mayerle, Rangaswami Narayanan, T. Etri, Ahmad Khairi Abd Wahab, 2015, Ocean Engineering, 106, 161-174, 3.795, Hydrological study to analyze the water budget of the Wade Gahn dam, Talal Etri, Almabruk A. Sanoussi, Kahled Rashed, Entesar Gouhl, 2018, Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17, 2, 67-72, User response to indoor thermal environment in female high school buildings in Oman, Hanan Al-Khatri, Talal Etri, Mohamed B. Gadi, 2022, Building Research & Information, 50, 1-2, 192-212, 5.322, A Tidal flow model of the Western coast of Libya, Talal Etri, Ahmed F. Abugdera, Abdelrahman Elata, 2022, Journal of Engineering Research (TJER), 19, 1, 55-62, 0.38, Optimization of double-layer perforated breakwater based on risk assessment of uncertainties, Mehdi Vahidi, Moharram Pirooz, Mohammad Nikoo, Iman Varjavand, Shahab Amanant, Talal Etri, Mostafa Gandomi, 2022, Ocean Engineering, 265, 1, 4.729, Multi-criteria decision-making optimization model for permeable breakwaters characterization, Mostafa Gandomi, Moharram Dolatshahi Pirooz, Banafsheh Nematollahi, Mohammad Reza Nikoo, Iman Varjavand, Talal Etri, Amir H. Gandomi, 2023, Ocean Engineering, 280, 4.729, A multi-objective approach for location and layout optimization of wave energy converters, Alireza Shadmani, Mohammad Reza Nikoo, Talal Etri, Amir H Gandomi, 2023, Applied Energy, 11.446, Characterization of Sewage Sludge in Muscat and Estimation of their Energy Recovery, Omaima Al Samsami, Talal Etri, Mahad Baawain, 2023, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 7.632, Characterization of landfills solid waste in Muscat and estimation of their energy recovery, Talal Etri, Omaima Al Samsami, Mahad Baawain, 2023, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 5.8