Sebastian Lara is a dedicated First year student in college. He graduated from Belen Jesuit Preparatory School with a 3.6 GPA and received multiple awards committing his time to service projects and music, doing things such as concerts at St. Jude children's hospital, tutoring low-income students, and cleaning up the environment. He is currently majoring in Biology at the Miami Dade Honors College and is part of Phi Theta Kappa, Tri - Beta, and Math 4 U. He is planning on transferring to a prestigious university at the end of his Honors college tenure, and hopes to go on to Med School.
Biology Honors Society, Provides Various Medical Research and Volunteer Opportunities
Tutoring Club that provides assistance to those who need help in math. Additionally, this club works with prisoners to educate them in hopes to lower reincarceration rates
Club that provides various volunteer opportunities
Leadership cohort that is granted $5000 to generate a project that makes a positive impact on the community
Service - Oriented