Talented Dental Assistant with 8 years of experience working with dental staff to treat patients. Skilled at taking dental x-rays, preparing dental impressions and assisting dental hygienists and dentists. Expert at creating and maintaining clean and sterile environments.
(Helped most of the time with our Periodontist Drs.)
Working out is a passionate hobby that strives e to push myself to accomplish goals and build confidence and influence those around me. I Enjoy working out most of the time on my free time. I love seeing the results and making friends at the gym. Working out helped me build my confidence again and able to teach others who are just starting. :) Working Out has built you into the person i become. Makes you focused determined goal driven and consistent.
I also do social media on the side. I love creating contents, I enjoy taking videos, pictures and editing them.
I do more of fitness, Beauty and modeling. I love teaching and learning world wide. I also use social media to connect with audiences all over the world to build communities with similar passions and spread positivity teaching and learning new ways of life.