Dear sir or madam,
I am 22-year-old Sheryce Cox from Grenada who now resides in Brooklyn New York since 2011. I was thrilled to come across your job posting on your website for this position, and I am hereby applying for such at your establishment. I am confident that I will be a great asset to your company as I am a team player, confident in anything that I do, an easy learner, and comfortable engaging clients to deliver an elevated experience. I guarantee that I will maintain a high level of professionalism, hospitality, and courtesy, as I already have experience in this field. Additionally, I am committed to doing my best to achieve great results and bring excellent satisfaction to your company. Physically fit Security Officer skilled at protecting clients and assets, possessing excellent self-control and a level head in difficult situations. Manages security risks with ease and uses sound judgment to quickly resolve problematic situations.
If you see it fit that I should be hired, I will be punctual and perform my tasks to the best of my ability. Thank you for your time and consideration, looking forward to a favorable response.