Adept at IOT projects and maintaining a positive attitude, I leveraged my skills at Golden Gate Multipurpose to streamline IT operations also with and learnt a team managment and inventory managment skill at SL motor workshop. My innovative approach led to a 1st runner-up win at a Softwarica College IOT bootcamp, showcasing my ability to lead and innovate under pressure.Worked at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to enhance kitchen efficiency
Automobile Cybernetics, 01/01/22, The Objective of this project was to prevent the serious injury and late rescue consequence by alerting nearest health centres and police. Robot, 11/01/18, The robot we built was equipped with features like measuring temperature, humidity, giving instruction, shaking hand, greetings. Generator, 10/01/17, It was a basic project generating electricity from reverse motor principle with use of gears. Automatic Tap Water, 08/01/18, In this project me and my team created an automatic tap that dispenses water with its AI technology to save water. Liquid Pressure, 08/01/17, During math exhibition in school I demonstrated an experiment to explain liquid pressure in different situations. E-Bike, 06/01/17, E-Bike was made to control carbon emission and increase motors efficiency.
Date of Birth: 03/01/04