I am a dedicated senior student majoring in General Psychology and Criminology, Law, and Justice at UIC. I have a keen interest in child development and clinical psychology. Through my undergraduate research, I have helped to conduct research on masking/camouflaging in individuals with ASD and its effects on their psychological flexibility. Nowadays, I am involved in speech comprehension research with children at the ListenUp lab as well as the EPIC project (we use multiple methods in our research to measure socio-contextual, cognitive, psychophysiological, and emotional processes associated with childhood mental health risk, including behavioral, observational, survey, and EEG) in the PEACE lab at UIC. Also, I have a lot of hands-on experience working with children and refugees, which I gained through volunteering in shelters in Ukraine.
Sofiia Boiko, Diana M. Cortez, Hannah Kiperman, Josie Lapapa, Stephen J Guter Jr, Tina Grieco-Calub
UIC 15th Annual Department of Psychiatry Research Forum (Extravaganza), Chicago, IL, September 2024
- Presented findings on the effects of visual speech cues on accuracy and verbal response time in native English-speaking school-age children when speech is acoustically degraded.
Sofiia Boiko, Diana M. Cortez, Hannah Kiperman, Josie Lapapa, Stephen J Guter Jr, Tina Grieco-Calub
Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2025