Talented student with industrious and systematic approach to learning information. Open and clear worker with disciplined execution and methodical nature. Extensive knowledge of research and software skills. Hardworking Student offering part-time work experience and extensive knowledge of core subject matter.
A way to help in the community that is both beneficial to the people within the community that need help and those who are willing to give to others and lend a hand.
Canned food drive- 2016 ...........................................................1 hour
Garage sale at Lamar Academy - 2016 ..................................... 4 hours
Getting shadowed my incoming freshmen- 2017........................5 hours
Feeding the homeless- 2017 .....................................................3 hours
Poetry submission for indelible Ink- 2017 ...............................2 hours
Book Donation- 2018 ..............................................................5 hours
Operation Gratitude- sending a letter to a U.S soldier- 2018 ………….1 hour
March for our lives- Protesting against school shootings- 2018.............3 hour
IB car wash to raise money for MORP- 2018 ........................................3 hours
Inside out Project- 2018 ..........................................................................2 hours
Morp set up Committee- 2018 ................................................................2 hours
Volunteering on Pioneer day at the Museum- 2017 ................................4 hours
Traveling Volleyball- 2018 ......................................................................4 hours
Tutoring sessions with my volleyball teammates- 2018 .........................2 hours
Decorating Pumpkins for abused children- 2018.....................................2 hours
Volunteering at Halloween Lock-in at Gonzalez Elementary- 2018........4 hours
Composing mats out of recyclable material for the homeless- 2018……1 hour
Competing in a creative drawing Christmas competition- 2018 ..............2 hours
Entered in a art competition- 2021 and 2022…………………………….9 hours
Helped at a local elementary school for underprivileged kids- 2022- …..5 hours
Tutored elementary children with disabilities- 2022……………………..8 hours
International Baccalaureate Extended Essay:
Topic: To what extent does food have on stress levels?
Word Count: 3,300
International Baccalaureate Internal Assessment(s): Psychology
Topic: Context independent memory and recall
Word Count: 2,789
International Baccalaureate Internal Assessment(s): Mathematics
Topic: Interesting architectures and how math applies to their complexities
Page count: 23 pages
International Baccalaureate Internal Assessment(s): U.S. History
Topic: To what extent did Muhammad Ali’s religion play a role on his war dodging?
Word count: 2,200
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program Personal Project
Description: Making bracelets to bring awareness about Autism
Total Hours: 64 hours
Word Count: 3,497
Creativity, Action, & Service Project:
Creative: Creating bracelets out of normal puzzle pieces and attaching a tag that contains informational facts about autistic individuals.
Actions & Service Projects: Selling the bracelets around my community and contacting and working with an organization in San Antonio to donate money by helping with equipment.