Work History
Hobbies and Interests
Stephanie Lee Lovdokken

Stephanie Lee Lovdokken



Experienced professional in athletic coaching, bringing a fresh approach to training methods and a deep love for tennis. Proven track record in enhancing athletes skills and mental resilience, resulting in consistent performance enhancements. Adept at fostering strong team dynamics and adapting to the ever-changing demands of coaching, while maintaining exceptional communication and motivational abilities.


years of professional experience

Work History

Varsity Tennis Coach

Thurston High School
08.2022 - Current
  • Coach high school students in tennis
  • Work to develop team rapport, promote skills, and encourage growth within what has become the largest tennis team in our league
  • Work with two other coaches to develop drills for all weather and circumstances, along with coordinating with other coaches on meets
  • Communicate with parents and families to help provide transportation to and from matches
  • Run fundraising activities and keep an inventory of our uniforms
  • Mentor team captains so they can provide support to the team
  • Coordinate with our local tennis club to establish indoor practice times during the rainy season so that all students have access to equitable court time

Ridgeview Elementary TAG Coordinator

Ridgeview Elementary School
01.2015 - Current
  • Review data on students who are currently identified as TAG and send out information to their parents about programs available in our area
  • Gathering data and screening TAG students who are not yet identified
  • Informing teachers of who their TAG students are and helping them to create a program to meet those students’ needs
  • Reviewing and dialoging with teacher about 'best practices' when it comes to the TAG students
  • Inform teachers of traits to identify the intellectually but not academically gifted students in their classrooms
  • Developing and running the Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) program for grades 3-5 (80 students) and meeting with those students to prepare them for the upcoming battles

5th Grade Teacher

Ridgeview Elementary School
08.2013 - Current
  • Class sizes varied from 27-30 students
  • Worked in a team focused environment planning the fifth grade curriculum on a weekly basis
  • 5th Grade team lead and mentor to our new 5th grade teacher
  • Participate on the team working with Talented and Gifted students
  • Part of the Ridgeview Leadership Team and previous member of the PBIS team

K-12 SPS District TAG Coordinator & Acceleration Specialist

Springfield Public Schools
08.2010 - Current
  • Train and help coordinate all of the district’s elementary, middle, and high school TAG contacts
  • Plan and run all district trainings around TAG education
  • Plan activities and enrichment for TAG students throughout the district
  • Facilitate acceleration testing, meetings, and decisions throughout the district
  • Participate in the Parent TAG Committee one night a month to work with parents and create a program that is best for all students
  • Help run our districts 'Learn Together Program' providing enrichment opportunities to TAG students of all ages and their parents outside of the school day
  • Support and Train Ridgeview Elementary staff and families as the Ridgeview School TAG Contact
  • Develop lessons and run school TAG program for the students at Ridgeview Elementary School

3rd Grade Teacher

Riverbend Elementary School
08.2010 - 06.2013
  • Class sizes varied from 27-30 students
  • Worked in a team focused environment planning the third grade curriculum on a weekly basis
  • Developed a 16-lesson poetry unit to teach literary devices in a fun and meaningful way
  • Developed an appropriate 14 lesson unit on the Civil War for the Teaching American History Grant
  • Team taught reading through a Walk to Read model
  • Mapped out and aligned all of third grade curriculum by themes so our reading, writing, social studies, and science units so they would all coincide with each other
  • Wrote a SEF Grant for an iThink, iShare, iPAD project for the 3rd and 4th grade student to develop mathematical thinking and share it through video production

2nd Grade Teacher

Riverbend Elementary School
08.2009 - 06.2010
  • Class sizes varied from 25 to 28 students
  • Worked in a team focused environment planning the second grade curriculum on a weekly basis
  • Developed a 12-lesson community unit to teach social studies through looking at our community
  • Participated in the Teaching American history grant developed a developmentally appropriate GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition) lesson for the Revolutionary War
  • Taught PE to both 2nd grade classrooms, switching off units with the other fifth grade teacher

District TAG Elementary Support

Springfield Public Schools
01.2008 - 06.2009
  • Meet with small groups of math TAG students in 3rd-5th grade to accelerate their learning and enhance their problem solving skills
  • Help with testing elementary students throughout the district that are being screened for TAG
  • Attend several workshops involving cluster grouping and differentiated instruction in the classroom and teach other teachers the strategies I have learned
  • Research school districts with exemplary TAG programs and determine some programs that are appropriate for our district
  • Research identification and testing procedures to determine the most beneficial practices for identifying our TAG students
  • Research TAG student characteristics and make that information available to TAG coordinators, teachers, and parents
  • Assist in rewriting our District TAG Manual

Yolanda Elementary TAG Coordinator

Yolanda Elementary School
01.2007 - 06.2008
  • Review data on students who are currently identified as TAG and send out information to their parents about programs available in our area
  • Gathering data and screening TAG students who are not yet identified
  • Informing teachers of who their TAG students are and helping them to create a program to meet those students’ needs
  • Reviewing and dialoging with teacher about 'best practices' when it comes to the TAG students
  • Inform teachers of traits to identify the intellectually but not academically gifted students in their classrooms
  • Developing and running the Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) program for grades 3-5 (80 students) and meeting with those students to prepare them for the upcoming battles

Reading Support Teacher

Yolanda Elementary School
09.2007 - 01.2008
  • Teaching reading intervention groups to primary students grades K-3: ERI interventions in Kindergarten, Reading Mastery I, II, and III for the first, second, and third grade groups; REWARDS intervention with 5th grade at the beginning of the year

Fifth Grade Teacher

Yolanda Elementary School
01.2002 - 06.2007
  • Class sizes varied from 28 to 34 students
  • Worked in a team focused environment planning the fifth grade curriculum on a weekly basis
  • Team-taught writing and science units
  • Implemented an Ocean Research Unit integrating research, writing, reading and watercolors
  • Developed a 12-lesson poetry unit to teach literary devices in a fun and meaningful way
  • Taught PE to both 5th grade classrooms, switching off units with the other fifth grade teacher
  • Created a picture book unit from Joy Hakim’s book, What’s Your Story, in which the students wrote and illustrated their own picture book, learning all of the elements of a good story and applying it to their writing
  • Participated in the Ed Tech Writing grant and began integrating more technology into the classroom
  • Taught the struggling readers, beginning with the REWARDS program and moving into the Scott Foresman reading text, Social Studies text, Newberry book project, and literature circles
  • Developed a math and literature connection through picture books
  • Worked with three different autistic students and modified assignments and schedules to meet their needs
  • Taught the advanced Mathematics group using an integration of Scotts Foresman and Investigations to extend the students knowledge beyond the basic calculations into real world applications
  • Extended and enhanced lessons for the TAG students and set up projects for them that incorporate reading, writing, math and real world problem solving
  • Trained a group of students on my personal laptop to design, write, edit and publish a monthly newsletter
  • Communicated with parents weekly through grade reports with each missing assignment highlighted, and rewarded students with all work turned in
  • Coordinated parent volunteers to work with groups of students in reading, math and special projects
  • Implemented an after school study hall for students to attend at least two days a week from 2:45 p.m
  • To 3:30 p.m
  • Privately tutored struggling students outside of class
  • Set up an end of the year 5th grade outdoor school event with the other 5th grade teacher and the students parents from 2004-2006

Fifth Grade Teacher

Charlemagne Fox Hollow Elementary School
01.2000 - 01.2001
  • Class size: 40 students
  • Taught two 2 ½ hour blocks of 10 students each
  • Developed a curriculum and prepared integrated lessons in reading, writing, math, science, social studies and spelling to accommodate Oregon Benchmark Standards
  • Administered the Benchmark 2 tests
  • Worked with the cooperating 5th grade teacher (French program) to develop and establish the curriculum to correlate the English and French programs
  • Planned extensions and individual projects for 30 TAG identified students
  • Modified lessons to meet the needs of, and not draw attention to, four students on IEP’s and three students on 504 plans
  • Communicated with parents through a weekly newsletter and bimonthly grade reports

Fourth Grade Full-time Student Teacher

Cook Elementary School
09.1999 - 12.1999

Seventh Grade Core Part-time Student Teacher

Chehalem Valley Middle School
03.1999 - 06.1999



Pacific University
Eugene, OR


Pacific University
Eugene, OR


George Fox University
Newberg, OR


  • Safety Compliance Awareness
  • Expertise in Google Applications
  • Collaborative Communication with Parents
  • Team-Based Instruction


  • Springfield Education Foundations Outstanding Educator of the year
  • Member of Who’s Who Among American Teachers
  • George Fox University’s Outstanding Elementary Education Major of the Year
  • Vice President Alpha Chi (National Honor Society)
  • National Dean’s List 1996-2000
  • George Fox University’s Dean’s List
  • Glen Zurcher Scholarship
  • Duke Academic Scholarship

Hobbies and Interests

  • Spending time with my children and husband
  • Outdoor activities
  • Piano
  • Reading
  • Artwork


  • Diabetes speaker & advocate for students in K-12 public schools
  • Small group leader & event planner for First Baptist church
  • Hands on learning teacher throughout the summers


  • CPR/AED Certification
  • First Aid Certification


Native or Bilingual
Limited Working


  • Supporting STEM education initiatives and mentorship programs
  • Stand-up Paddleboarding (SUP)
  • I enjoy sketching and drawing, which helps improve my creativity and attention to detail
  • Backpacking and Hiking
  • Volunteering
  • Outdoor Recreation
  • Enjoying the art of baking and pastry-making, experimenting with recipes
  • Avid Reader
  • Tech enthusiast, passionate about exploring the latest advancements and innovations
  • Enjoy participating in outdoor activities (hiking, camping, backpacking) for overall physical and mental well-being
  • High-Intensity Interval Training & Weight Lifting
  • I enjoy cooking for friends and family gatherings
  • Participating in fundraising events to support local charities, schools, or community projects


Varsity Tennis Coach

Thurston High School
08.2022 - Current

Ridgeview Elementary TAG Coordinator

Ridgeview Elementary School
01.2015 - Current

5th Grade Teacher

Ridgeview Elementary School
08.2013 - Current

K-12 SPS District TAG Coordinator & Acceleration Specialist

Springfield Public Schools
08.2010 - Current

3rd Grade Teacher

Riverbend Elementary School
08.2010 - 06.2013

2nd Grade Teacher

Riverbend Elementary School
08.2009 - 06.2010

District TAG Elementary Support

Springfield Public Schools
01.2008 - 06.2009

Reading Support Teacher

Yolanda Elementary School
09.2007 - 01.2008

Yolanda Elementary TAG Coordinator

Yolanda Elementary School
01.2007 - 06.2008

Fifth Grade Teacher

Yolanda Elementary School
01.2002 - 06.2007

Fifth Grade Teacher

Charlemagne Fox Hollow Elementary School
01.2000 - 01.2001

Fourth Grade Full-time Student Teacher

Cook Elementary School
09.1999 - 12.1999

Seventh Grade Core Part-time Student Teacher

Chehalem Valley Middle School
03.1999 - 06.1999


Pacific University


George Fox University
  • CPR/AED Certification
  • First Aid Certification


Pacific University
Stephanie Lee Lovdokken