Compassionate Special Education Paraprofessional offering wealth of experience in small group instruction with children of diverse ages. Passionate about education with desire to work with students across levels. Understands importance of teaching special need students so that they can thrive and shine in their own special ways.
Qualified Teaching Assistant offers track record of success in helping students with special needs. Well-trained in academic, behavioral and personal needs of students with developmental delays and diagnoses such as autism spectrum disorder. Works with parents and teachers to implement personalized approaches for each student.
My biggest accomplishments is that I enjoy seeing the faces of my students light up when they have felt success and knowing that yes they can doing anything they set their minds on.
I have numerous certificates of completion in Autism Spectrum Disorder . They range from how to handle different types of Autism all the way down to teaching them feelings and ways to control their emotions. This was from VCU.
I have been a special ed para for 26 yrs and wouldn't change a thing. I have a special place in my heart for special need students. I guess that all started when I was 15 yrs. old while working at a ski resort. We would have Special Olympic Athletes come and learn the sport of skiing. Now this was back in 1979 when the program was not the best and there was really not that many folks that skied in Indiana. I always made it a point to say or gesture hello in a way that they would understand. I remember a fellow who was totally blind but he always had a smile on his face. How I knew he was blind was that he was standing in the lift line and I said he buddy pull up your hat so that you can see where you are going. The person that was with him said that he was blind. From that point on I was determined that he would have the best experience on the slopes for this day forward. From that day i had a special place in my heart for these special children.
When I moved to Virginia I found a very small group in Franklin County that was just learning to ski. I joined as a coach and we all skied together for about 15yrs. This was so rewarding to see the accomplishments that the athletes went through. My biggest reward in this was to see an athlete that I had coached qualify for the 2001 World Games. I was also rewarded with getting nominated and selected through a process to become a World Coach for Team USA that same year! What an experience that was!! I teach my athletes that Coach Lovelace's motto is " It is not about winning but learning to enjoy the sport and that you are always a winner no matter what!
Fast forward to when I joined the school system in 1997. I started working in Early Childhood Special Ed and my colleagues at the time were members of the association which is now our great union. They shared with me the importance of why I should be a member. So,I became a member.
At that time we had a separate Franklin County Teacher Assistant Association that was in place there for a longtime and was manged to a degree by our Assist. Superintendent of our division. We would meet once a month and just discuss our overall functions, concerns and how we can do something for our community. I was fortunate enough to be the president for about 5 yrs. before it was taken away as we had a new Assist. Superintendent that thought we did not need this. I implemented a food drive every year to give food to our local food bank, we made cards for the residents of several local nursing homes. When this was gone I discovered what VEA was all about. I got active in our local association.
I have held all positions in our local association throughout the years. My last 6 years has been president for 4 years and this year I am vice president. Years ago I headed a book drive with the past president we collected books and then donated the books to local daycare centers as well as private sitters. We did this for several years. This past Christmas we have a Down Home Christmas Celebration in Rocky Mount that our local wanted to and we did hand out 500 glow necklaces to the children that were there in attendance . It was a huge success!
At our district level I have been very active in every way as having some sort of office. I have held the treasurers position, secretary position, esp at large, vice president and I am on my 2nd term as District Chair which has put my on the Board of Directors for VEA. I am thoroughly enjoying everything I have done by being a VEA Member and I am learning so much and growing as I learn.
I have had the opportunity to step up and take over a coaching the Franklin County lady Eagles Tennis Team 5 years ago . I tell my girls that same thing as I tell my Special Olympic Athletes " it is not always about winning but doing your best and enjoying what you do. That no matter what I will always be proud of you regardless if you win or lose". I also coach the middle school tennis team as it is where we can make a difference and open tennis up to all no matter what and learning to love the sport.
I have numerous certificates of completion in Autism Spectrum Disorder . They range from how to handle different types of Autism all the way down to teaching them feelings and ways to control their emotions. This was from VCU.