11th & 12th grade English Inclusion/co-Teacher, 11th & 12th grade Resource English Teacher, SST committee, 504 meetings, Safety and security committee, Case manager, Credit Recovery/Plato, Curriculum writer, Frisco ISD Leadership Academy, Teaching future ready learners, Emotional Support Coyote committee member, Debate moderator
Skilled at working independently and collaboratively in a team environment.
Self-motivated, with a strong sense of personal responsibility.
Proven ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations.
Worked well in a team setting, providing support and guidance.
Demonstrated respect, friendliness and willingness to help wherever needed.
Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
Adjunct Professor
San Joaquin Valley Private Junior College
Hesperia, CA
02.2012 - 07.2013
Psychology, Sociology, and English Composition I
Fostered strong relationships with parents and guardians, maintaining open lines of communication to ensure student progress.
Participated in ongoing professional development opportunities focused on evidence-based practices in special education teaching methodologies.
Assisted in creating a safe and nurturing classroom environment that promoted emotional well-being and academic growth for all students.
Coordinated regular meetings to share and analyze student performance data and success plans with colleagues and parents.
7th grade Language Arts and Pre-Algebra targeted instruction
Mesa Linda M.S. Adelanto School Dist.
Adelanto, CA
08.2011 - 06.2012
Assisted in creating a safe and nurturing classroom environment that promoted emotional well-being and academic growth for all students.
Implemented behavior modification strategies, resulting in improved self-regulation and classroom participation among students.
Assessed student understanding through formative and summative assessments, adjusting instructional strategies as needed to optimize learning outcomes.
Differentiated instruction to meet the varying needs of individual learners, accommodating various learning styles and abilities.
Promoted a positive learning environment for diverse students by implementing inclusive teaching practices and culturally relevant materials.
10th grade facilitator
Excelsior Charter School
Victorville, CA
12.2009 - 06.2011
Superintendent’s advisory board council member voted on by faculty
Used diverse teaching materials and motivational approaches to reduce learning gaps and instruct students.
Built rapport with diverse groups of stakeholders by demonstrating empathy, active listening skills, and cultural competence during facilitated sessions.
Fostered an inclusive learning environment by addressing diverse needs and adapting facilitation techniques as needed.
Collected data on program efficacy through data analysis and implemented solutions for improvement.
Modified curriculum to support learning of special needs students
Renner Middle School
Plano, TX
08.2005 - 09.2009
Taught all subjects using self-designed lessons, Taught social skills & life skills, Sail program in summer school
Worked well in a team setting, providing support and guidance.
Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions.
Passionate about learning and committed to continual improvement.
Adaptable and proficient in learning new concepts quickly and efficiently.
Resource & Content Mastery teacher
Wilson Elementary
Coppell, TX
08.2004 - 07.2005
Coppell Administrator’s Course completion
Developed strong relationships with students and their families, fostering open communication channels to address individual concerns and progress updates.
Managed challenging behaviors effectively by implementing clear expectations, consistent consequences, and positive reinforcement strategies within the classroom environment.
Enhanced learning experiences for special needs students by implementing individualized education plans tailored to their unique requirements.
Contributed to a positive learning environment for all students by fostering a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and respect throughout the entire school community.
Designed engaging lesson plans that incorporated visual aids, hands-on activities, and real-world examples tailored specifically for diverse learners'' abilities and interests.
Teacher Resource Classroom K-6
Thompson Elementary
Mesquite, TX
08.2003 - 07.2004
Managed classroom behavior effectively by establishing clear expectations, modeling appropriate conduct, and consistently enforcing established rules and consequences.
Assisted in creating a safe and nurturing classroom environment that promoted emotional well-being and academic growth for all students.
Enhanced classroom engagement through the use of interactive teaching methods, such as group projects and hands-on activities.
Supported student physical, mental, and social development using classroom games and activities.
Provided one-on-one support for students with learning disabilities, enabling them to excel in their coursework.
Special Education Teacher
Edmond Public School System
Edmond, OK
08.1999 - 07.2003
Santa Fe High School & Charles Haskell Elementary, Opened up a new program/classroom for Emotionally Disturbed students
Participated in ongoing professional development opportunities focused on evidence-based practices in special education teaching methodologies.
Planned daily activities to keep students engaged and on track with learning goals.
Coordinated special education students and teacher assistant schedules with master schedule.
Assisted struggling students to maintain progress levels by designing individualized lesson plans focused on areas for improvement.
Worked with students with moderate to severe autism to increase life skills.
Master’s Degree – Education Administration, Principal -
University of Central Oklahoma
Edmund, OK
Bachelor of Science General Studies/Special Education -
University of Central Oklahoma
Edmond, OK
University of Pittsburgh
Bradford, PA
Computer programming
Strong Numeracy Skills
Compliance Awareness
Banking systems proficiency
Cash Management
Texas Principal EC-12 Certification
Texas PK-4 Generalist Certification
Texas PK-12 SPED Certification
Texas E.S.L. Certification
Pennsylvania Emergency Certification
Pa. SPED Certification submitted
Leadership Experiences
06/19/23, Curriculum writing for Social Skills for Post-Secondary Success and Pre-Vocational and Vocational Continuum of Services for High School Curriculum
02/19/22, Shadowed Associate Principal to TELPAS Admin. Training
10/18, 04/19, Frisco ISD Leadership Academy Training (one of twenty five chosen)
11/18, Frisco ISD Focus Group with Stetson and Associates participant
06/18, Curriculum writer for Special Education
2016, 2017, Headed the Special Education Department Turkey Trot Committee
2007, 2009, Principal Intern: Shadowed school leaders to observe daily routine/activities
Filled in for Dean of school administering discipline to students, calling parents and completing paperwork for documentation
Facilitated and supported the new teachers to our campus, meeting with these teachers once a month. Given the position of Mentor Liaison.
Sat in and observed hiring process
PDAS Observation of several teachers in the classroom
1976, 1983, Worked at Warren National Bank in Warren, Pa as a biller and then moved into the role of head teller for Warren National Bank in Kane, Pa.
Charter School board member in CA
Student Council for Exceptional Children
Superintendent Advisory Council
Presidents/ Dean’s List at University of
Special Education Teacher
Heritage High School
08.2013 - 08.2023
Adjunct Professor
San Joaquin Valley Private Junior College
02.2012 - 07.2013
7th grade Language Arts and Pre-Algebra targeted instruction
Mesa Linda M.S. Adelanto School Dist.
08.2011 - 06.2012
10th grade facilitator
Excelsior Charter School
12.2009 - 06.2011
Modified curriculum to support learning of special needs students
Renner Middle School
08.2005 - 09.2009
Resource & Content Mastery teacher
Wilson Elementary
08.2004 - 07.2005
Teacher Resource Classroom K-6
Thompson Elementary
08.2003 - 07.2004
Special Education Teacher
Edmond Public School System
08.1999 - 07.2003
Master’s Degree – Education Administration, Principal -
University of Central Oklahoma
Bachelor of Science General Studies/Special Education -
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Pittsburgh
Texas Principal EC-12 Certification
Texas PK-4 Generalist Certification
Texas PK-12 SPED Certification
Texas E.S.L. Certification
Pennsylvania Emergency Certification
Pa. SPED Certification submitted
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