Work History
Selected Publications
Country Experience

Susan Rae Ross

Silver Spring,USA


Dynamic collaborative healthcare leader with experience across 15 U.S. health entities and 30 countries . Demonstrated expertise to enhance patient care processes, optimize client throughput while enhancing quality and efficiently managing resources.


years of professional experience

Work History

Clinical Administrator

Medstar Georgetown University Hospital
01.2017 - Current
  • Resourceful manager for a 600-bed university teaching hospital who oversees all operations, addresses problems and collaboratively finds solutions to deliver high quality client care
  • Manages internal/external admissions and upgrades based on clinical conditions
  • Strategically deploys nursing staff resources for 28 units to ensure high-quality patient care
  • Liaised with senior executives to respond to COVID surge including development and execution of new policies and procedures

Senior Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Advisor

USAID/Global Health
08.2015 - 01.2025
  • Led eight multi-stakeholder partnerships (over $350M) to develop new business models in Africa and Asia that improved health outcomes
  • Worked with private sector representatives including pharmaceutical manufacturers, health care providers/systems, insurers, mobile health operators, technology companies and financial institutions to mobilize over $100M to improve maternal/child health programs in Africa/Asia

CEO and Founder

SR International
01.2003 - 01.2015
  • Clients: Aga Khan, Abbott, CARE, DAI, GAIN, Levi Strauss, Merck, CARE/GKS, MercyCorps, PATH, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Save the Children and USAID
  • Developed a monitoring/evaluation plan for Levi Straus’ corporate/community HIV program
  • Led a global health landscaping assessment to identify high potential innovation partners for drug, vaccine, medical device and diagnostic development
  • Led Abbott Laboratories through a strategic planning process to develop a guiding framework for their Global Care HIV/AIDS’ Initiative
  • Guided the design, implementation and evaluation of the Saving Mothers, Giving Life public private partnership ($225M) to reduce maternal deaths by 50%, launched by Secretary Clinton

Nurse Consultant Assignments

01.2006 - 01.2013
  • Provided transplant case management services for Northern California Kaiser Permanente (KP) Regional clients who received transplants at University of California at San Francisco and Stanford transplant centers
  • This included managing relationships with transplant centers to ensure care for Kaiser clients and repatriation to Kaiser facilities, when clinically appropriate
  • Conducted utilization reviews for Alta Bates Medical Group that reduced length of stay
  • Facilitated peer/systems review for the quality and risk management committees at KP Oakland to improved quality outcomes
  • Developed a pre-authorization system for Medicaid clients to transition from 'fee for service' to 'managed care' for the San Francisco Health Plan
  • Audited charts to ensure state required reporting of intensive care (ICU) mortality/morbidity data for five KP facilities
  • Trained KP staff from five facilities on the tool and audit process
  • Conducted data analysis for KP Oakland to become certified as Primary Stroke Center
  • Contributed to a sepsis study aimed to enhance prompt diagnosis, treatment, and referral of septic clients from the emergency room to the ICU for Kaiser Permanente Oakland

Director, Reproductive Health

01.2000 - 01.2003
  • Led a multi-national team (10 staff) to implement six global projects, $15M a year, supported by multiple donors in 65 countries
  • Secured $20M of new funding
  • Partnered with Nike, Gap, Levi Strauss, and Reebok to design/ implementation a HIV prevention/reproductive health services program for garment factories in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam
  • Revitalized a stalled launch of a groundbreaking $15M Trust Fund between CARE and USAID

Senior Maternal and Newborn Health Advisor

01.1998 - 01.2000

Asia Regional Reproductive Health Advisor

01.1998 - 01.2000


MBA - Int. Business

Tilburg University

MSC - Int. Business

Purdue University
W. Lafayette, IN

MPH - Public Health

University of Illinois, Circle Campus
Chicago, IL

BSN - Nursing

SUNY Plattsburg
Plattsburg, NY


  • Effective Strategic Planner
  • Resourceful/Practical Problem-Solver
  • Multidisciplinary Team Player
  • Effective Resource Strategist
  • Experienced Change Manager
  • Demonstrated Thought Leader
  • Analytic Researcher
  • Strategic Partnership Development
  • Results-Driven Financial Manager
  • Excellent Speaker/Communicator

Selected Publications

  • Clarke D, Cocozza A, Appleford G, Thabet A, Ross SR, Boggs M, Data-driven governance and the private sector in mixed health systems, BMJ Global Health, 2024, 8, e014705
  • Lattof SR, Maliqi B, Yaqub N, Asiedu EK, Ukaire B, Ojo O, Goodman C, Ross SR, Hailegebriel T, Appleford G, and George J, Engaging the private sector to deliver quality maternal and newborn health services for universal health coverage: lessons from policy dialogues, BMJ Global Health, 2023, 8, e008939
  • Palaia A, Spiegel L, Cunningham M, Yang A, Hooks T, Ross S, Saving Lives Together: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Saving Mothers, Giving Life Public-Private Partnership, Glob Health Sci Pract, 2019, 7, Suppl 1, S123-S138, 03/13/19, 10.9745/GHSP-D-18-00264
  • Ross, S.R., Expanding the Pie: Fostering Effective Non-Profit and Corporate Partnerships, Sterling, VA, Kumarian Press, 2012
  • McCarthy, B., Lawn, J., & Ross, S.R., The Healthy Newborn: A Reference Guide for Program Managers, Atlanta, GA, 2001, Over 5,000 copies distributed
  • Ross, S.R., Promoting Quality Maternal and Newborn Health: A Reference Guide for Program Managers, Atlanta, GA, 1998, Over 7,500 copies distributed, English, French, Spanish

Country Experience

Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Burma, Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Philippines, Tajikistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Bolivia, Peru, Egypt, West Bank/Gaza


Clinical Administrator

Medstar Georgetown University Hospital
01.2017 - Current

Senior Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Advisor

USAID/Global Health
08.2015 - 01.2025

Nurse Consultant Assignments

01.2006 - 01.2013

CEO and Founder

SR International
01.2003 - 01.2015

Director, Reproductive Health

01.2000 - 01.2003

Senior Maternal and Newborn Health Advisor

01.1998 - 01.2000

Asia Regional Reproductive Health Advisor

01.1998 - 01.2000

MSC - Int. Business

Purdue University

MPH - Public Health

University of Illinois, Circle Campus

BSN - Nursing

SUNY Plattsburg

MBA - Int. Business

Tilburg University
Susan Rae Ross