I have been an educator for more than 20 years, working with students and families from Sarah Reed, substitute teaching grades K-High school, and as a Erie School District teacher teaching grades Kindergarten through second, including a Title position. I have worked with families of various economic backgrounds, race, creed and religion. In addition, to working with a variety of families, I have worked with many educators to help support and provide appropriate educational instruction and implement engaging strategies with versatility to meet academic success.
-Learning Targets: An Introduction
-Child Abuse Training
-Educator Effectivenes
-Using Classroom Blogs in Gaggl
-FLEX | 1 Writing Curriculum
-Arts Infusion
-DonorsChoose.org: How to Access
-FLEX | Grade 1 Math Curriculum
-Understanding our LGBT Youth
-Engaging Students for Deeper Learning
Problem Solving, Classroom Behavior Management and Instruction, Creative Lesson Planning, Conduct Conferences, Time Management, Crisis Intervention, Assessment and Protocol Interpretation, Program Planning, Public Relations, Academic Support, Work in Multicultural Populations, knowledge of Microsoft, Infinite Campus, and Excel