Software Developer / Bioinformatician
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
Hercules, CA
1998 - Current
- I develop and maintain algorithms, calculations, and software for use with instrumentation for DNA sequencing, qPCR (Quantitative PCR) and dPCR (Digital PCR) technologies, for the study of DNA.
- A partial list of algorithms and calculations I have developed and been responsible for: Gel electrophoresis lane finding, gel electrophoresis base calling, qPCR sigmoid curve baselining, qPCR Cq detection, matrix algebra based color deconvolution, qPCR melt curve clustering (patented), dPCR poisson quantification and confidence intervals, ddPCR (droplet digital PCR) signal processing algorithms for four different instruments, a clustering algorithm for a COVID detection assay, a clustering algorithm for COVID detection in wastewater, droplet volume calibration and detection.
- I have also developed software and interactive visualizations for all of the above, as both customer facing software and internal R&D tools.