Work History
Research publication
Software application
Honour and Awards
Fun and hobbies

Toluwalase Ogunsunlade

State College,PA


Mining Engineer with in-depth background developing both short and long term mine planning, and adhering to safety guidelines to minimize safety incidents and worker injury. Dynamic mining professional familiar with everyday mine operations and able to administer work schedules, coordinate mine operations for maximum productivity while maintaining constant compliance with industry regulations and safety standard.


years of professional experience

Work History

Graduate Mining Engineer

Dangote Cement Company
Okpella, Nigeria
07.2022 - 07.2023
  • Used Surpac to prepare layout of mine development and sequence of operation
  • Conducted surveys and devised drawings of mine layouts to prepare for mining operations
  • Established and implemented safety protocols for mining operations to prevent work-related incidents
  • Shift mine engineer assigning various roles to different personnel and ensuring maximum productivity from my shift

Graduate Researcher

Federal University of Technology Akure
Akure, Nigeria
03.2018 - 02.2021
  • Collected and prepared field samples as laboratory specimens prior to testing
  • Carried out laboratory analysis on the prepared specimen in order to determine relevant geotechnical properties
  • Designed a two-unit coal mine panel using RS3 geotechnical software based on Finite element methods
  • Ran a stability analysis check using the values of the total displacement and maximum shear strain contours as criteria factors

Undergraduate Research Experience

Federal University of Technology Akure
Akure, Nigeria
02.2016 - 08.2016
  • Collected geologic field data of the joints that appeared on the quarry face using the line mapping method
  • Plotted the geologic data collected as poles using stereographic computer program (GEORIENT, version 9.5.1)
  • Determined the mean orientation of each joint set from the pole density
  • Plotted great circles on a single stereonet in order to identify the joint set that would upset the stability of the quarry wall
  • Evaluated the different mode of slope failure associated with the quarry wall

Trainee Mining Engineer

Express Quarry
Ibadan, Nigeria
06.2015 - 11.2015
  • Prepare blast layout and production estimate per blast
  • Interacted with the crushing unit and vibrating screen for particle size separation
  • Liaised with mine maintenance engineer for routine and breakdown maintenance of mine machinery
  • Worked directly with blast foreman to charge blast holes and ensure safety prior to blasting
  • Post blast analysis to determine blast efficiency


Ph. D in View - Mining And Minerals Engineering

Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA

Master of Engineering - Mining Engineering

Federal University of Technology Akure
Akure, Nigeria

Bachelor of Engineering - Mining Engineering

Federal University of Technology Akure
Akure, Nigeria


  • Conceptual Design
  • Status Updates
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Scheduled Maintenance


Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Engineers (SME)

Research publication

  • A Practical Modeling Approach using Room and Pillar Mining Method for the Exploitation of Ankpa Coal Deposit, Akinbinu, V.A. and Ogunsunlade, T.S., Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 6, 1, 226-235, 2021
  • Proposed Underground Development Design for Okaba Coal Room and Pillar Mining Using Three-Dimensional Numerical Technique, Abioye Victor Akinbinu and Segun Toluwalase Ogunsunlade, Conference proceedings of World Academy of Science and Technology, London United Kingdom, 04/23-24/20, Part VII

Software application

  • Georient for plotting geological structural data
  • Rocscience RS2 & RS3 for stress and deformation analysis of 3D geotechnical structure.
  • Examine 3D to study the effects of excavation on stresses and displacements of geological material and major geological discontinuities such as faults.

Honour and Awards

• Ekiti State Government Scholarship for MSc. [2019]
• PTDF Local Scholarship Scheme Award for MSc.[2019]
• FSF FUTA Academic Achievement Award [2014]
• Agbami Medical and Engineering Professionals Scholarship Award for Undergraduate [2013-2016]
• Dean's List, Federal University of Technology Akure [2012-2016]

Fun and hobbies

  • Long tennis player
  • Watch soccer games
  • Travelling to new places
  • Hanging out with friends


Graduate Mining Engineer

Dangote Cement Company
07.2022 - 07.2023

Graduate Researcher

Federal University of Technology Akure
03.2018 - 02.2021

Undergraduate Research Experience

Federal University of Technology Akure
02.2016 - 08.2016

Trainee Mining Engineer

Express Quarry
06.2015 - 11.2015

Ph. D in View - Mining And Minerals Engineering

Pennsylvania State University

Master of Engineering - Mining Engineering

Federal University of Technology Akure

Bachelor of Engineering - Mining Engineering

Federal University of Technology Akure
Toluwalase Ogunsunlade