Client-orientated lawyer-turned-linguist with proven research, analytic, and critical thinking skills built from 15+ years of consulting experience, with a solid legal background and a good understanding of accounting, finance, and commercial real estate.
"Great! Now that I have started my own business and been away from home,
there are only two risks for me to take, getting married and going to space.
I'll start with space.
The other one seems a bit far-fetched."
Years in legal service
Years in business settings
Years of international cultural exposure
Years in consulting roles
Please visit for a curation of translation samples that showcase the specialty, quality, and versatility I can offer.
Examples of recent translation experience:
- Translation of a pro bono project for the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley.
- Transcription and translation of a series of talks shared by a Daoist priest on the Daoist cultivation or refinement (道家修煉) based on the Jade Scripture (玉樞寶經) which has now completed the 5th episode. This is an ongoing group effort which I have been playing a fair part.
- I've undertaken the self-initiated project of translating two books from English into Chinese with the goal of eventual publication.