I don't know my exact dates of beginning this job I first started when I was 18. This was my first job other than a shoe store I worked at during my senior year of high school. I started as a mixer and I ended up quitting about 8 months into my job. I never had a real reason to quit. Now that im 22 years old looking for a career job I truly get the working life and realize how young and immature I was when I first started working or I would still be at this job. I never realized that a job is a job and you should never just let that job go unless you have a real reason. I dealt with a lot of chemicals to mix with different types of recycled plastics to be dumped into a big mixer. After they were mixed for about 20 minuets. All that recycled plastic and chemicals would be ran through a heated line to be melted and be formed into plastic pellets so this plastic could be used again for whatever it needs to be used for.