I work at Gerdau In MIdlothIan. I am a QualIty TechnIcian Level 2 Senior Operator. I have done just about everything there is to do in Quality department. (HBI) Hot Billet Inspection, (CBI) Cold Billet Inspection, Running the (Chem-Lab) verifying chemistries as the steel is being melted to verify it conforms to the ASTM specs for each grade of steel melted. Inform furnace operators of results to add alloys to the ladle and bring batch of steel up to spec. Prep samples. Running sample on spectrometer and run samples on a Leco its a carbon, sulfur analyzer. Record results in computer program and relay results to melt-shop. Very fast paced and detail job. HBI visual inspections on finished product from the melt-shop to be rolled in Gerdau rolling mills to verify defects and downgrade any non conforming material before it goes to rolling mill soon as it is cast very hot job. Take samples to verify internal defects also. Document all result in computer verify results comply with ASTM standards for product to be finished into. CBI is inspecting billets after it has cooled off to get a better closer inspection of surface defects look at sample results from (HBI) and downgrade any non conforming material before going to rolling mills document all results. I do (PO Monitoring) This job i verify all steel melted meets ASTM requirements and all the steel is accounted for in every batch melted. Verify and do final conformations on melted steel batches before rolling in mills. i also remake orders for remake batches that have missed chemistries and regraded. i do Slag Analysis on the slag from the electric arch furnace checking for how much alloy losses are getting into the slag that is poured off the batch before it is tapped into ladles, document results for melt-shop management to review. I also am a Level 2 Eddie Current Line Technician. I inspect sucker rod that is made to ensure no defects before going to customers. I set up and change over equipment for size and order changes. I do maintenance on equipment. I also do final conformations on orders to be released to roll in the mills verifying steel meets ASTM requirements and customer standards for products. I fill out quality reports and track quality and make sure products are good from pretty much raw liquid steel until it leaves to the customer. I do manifest trucks and load trucks with remote controlled overhead crane when working on Eddie Current line when shipping out finished products to customers. I can drive forklifts also. Pretty much anything to do with Quality I can do. I work well with others ,easy going, get along with everyone. I strive to be the best at everything I do. I can multitask and very self motivated person. Don't have to be watched over to make sure I am doing my job. If I don't know how to do something I will ask. I'm not afraid of hard work and getting dirty when need be. I have 17 years in Quality Department at Gerdau. Looking to find a better Career closer to home. Looking for a place to retire from. I want to use my knowledge in Quality to help your company, become part of your team. Organized and dependable candidate successful at managing multiple priorities with a positive attitude. Willingness to take on added responsibilities to meet team goals.
I have a 1948 Chevrolet 5 window Pickup, First pickup i bought in high school currently in middle of restoring again. I have a 1966 Chevy 2 Nova needs interior and paint to finish it. I have a 1976 Chevy Nova, first car ever bought. I have a 1939 dodge deluxe four door just got in march to restore. I love to go fishing and camping ,catching catfish and having fish fries with family. I love to BBQ and smoke meat and cook out.