Foundation in business developed by the coaching and refereeing. Knowledgeable in statistics and excel. Brings quick learning and adaptive abilities along with strong communication and organizational skills. Ready to build and enhance new skills.
Created spreadsheets and analyzed statistics to help assist in player recruitment. Conducted interviews with potential players. Assisted in managing the team's budget for the upcoming season. Finding potential grants and loan options for incoming players. Handled questions and complaints from players with professionalism. Constantly monitoring players grades to make sure they maintain proper academic standing. Provided players with current in-game stats and giving assistance in helping make decisions under pressure.
Learned the rules, statistics, and proper communication of the sport and applied it into 200+ matches. Enforced rules and disputes in high-pressure situations while maintaining professionalism. Communicated with stakeholders, players, coaches, and tournament organizers to optimize scheduling.
Analyzing statistics of competitors to find areas for players to succeed. Showcases time management skills by constructing the most efficient practice within the given time. Finding the best way to communicate with many different kinds of people. Helped athletes with settling goals and taking the correct steps toward them.
Weight lifting