Word, Excel, python, illustrator

Team-oriented and technically-experienced biology and biological engineering PhD. Offering proven history of critical thinking and problem solving illustrated through contribution to decipher piRNA pathway in Drosophila project and at least 6 years experience at biology lab bench work.
Years of cell and molecular biology lab bench work experimence
Word, Excel, python, illustrator
Conference talk: Using C. elegans to discover functions of conserved unknown human gene
Huang, Xiawei, Katalin Fejes Tóth, and Alexei A. Aravin. "piRNA Biogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster." Trends in Genetics 33.11 (2017): 882-894.
Huang, Xiawei, et al. "Binding of guide piRNA triggers methylation of the unstructured N-terminal region of Aub leading to assembly of the piRNA amplification complex." (2021). Accepted by Nature Communications