I am a confident,strong minded natural born leader. In JROTC I have had multiple positions and duties. When it comes to leading in any kind of way i will always take the challenge. I will challenge myself and push those around me to be better in any and every way possible. Serving as color guard commander, battalion commander, and second lieutenant helped me to grow, learn, and execute military training.
I serve as our battalions operations officer. Additionally, I keep the commander advised on the progress of training within the battalion. I do a hand full of things when it comes down to keeping things flowing the right way. I Prepare the weekly training schedules,
Inspect the drill field prior to use by the battalion and prepare it for ceremonies, and coordinate all the training of the rifle team, drill team, Color Guard, and the honor guard.
Effective communication
Ability to motivate
Emotional Intelligence
To be awarded a 4 year army ROTC scholarship .