With over two decades of experience as a Criminal Investigator, I have led numerous complex investigations, specializing in homicide and fraud cases. Expertise lies in crime scene analysis and forensic investigation, resulting in a proven track record of successful prosecutions. Meticulous evidence handling and collaboration with federal and local agencies consistently achieve positive outcomes. Strong leadership abilities and innovative problem-solving skills drive aspiration to enhance security management and investigative strategies within the field of law enforcement.
Lead complex criminal investigations, analyze evidence patterns, and coordinate with law enforcement agencies to resolve high-priority cases
Chief Criminal Investigator, Served as Program Director for the Division of Family Preservation, responsible for the operation of the Family Court System for the 11th Judicial Circuit Court in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida. Served as Security Lieutenant/ Acting Manager for a team of over 45 employees at the Port of Everglades, managing a 100-million-dollar contract and responsible for payroll and budget allocation at my facility. Managed and Operated a Multi-State Investigation Agency with contracts with the State and Federal Governments. Appointed by Former Florida Governor Lawton Chiles to assist in the creation of the Florida Healthy Kids Coalition. Recommended by Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Appointed by Former President George W Bush to serve on the US Selective Service System Board.