Tournament of Roses Parade-2022
Gibson County Mass Band-Street routine, uniform design, parade and field show coordinator.
Gibson County Band-New York City-Performed at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
St. Patrick Day Parade
San Antonio-Indoor small flag and rifle group Winner 1992
Division II 7 time State Champions-Gibson County-Silver Platter winner
Numerous awards from other states in field shows from Arkansas State, University of Southwest Louisiana, Muscle Shoals H.S. and Poplar Bluff.
The Color Guard instructor coordinates the preparations, exercises, and activities of the school marching band's auxiliary unit, the Color Guard. The instructor prepares and directs the unit for independent performance and competition, as well as for performances integrated within the larger marching band.
Skills requirements observed in a Color Guard example resume are leadership, knowledge of performing arts, choreography expertise, and supervisory abilities
undefinedMilan High School Band and Guard Captain- 1980-1981
Arkansas State University Summer Camp advanced class instructor.1980-1988
Arkansas State University Field show 1980.
Muscle Shoals H.S. 1981-1983 Color Guard
University of Southwest Louisiana-1981-1982
Dewitt Arkansas High School-1982
Lakeside H.S.-1982
University of Memphis-1982-1983
Austin Texas-summer clinics from 1981-1987
Munford H.S./Poplar Bluff H.S.-1991
Delcumbe H.S. Lousiana-2016
Santa Clara CA-Phantom Regiment
Numerous school across TN-1990-1996
Custom design uniforms, flags, and field design shows across West TN until present date.