Work History
Communication Skills
Software Proficiencies
Aaron Scott

Aaron Scott



To utilize my skills and talents in data analysis and research, professional scienctific writing, and my experience working in public health in traditional and innovative ways that lead to improved health outcomes and reduced health access and knowledge disparities that exist by race, ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status.


years of professional experience

Work History

Research Associate & Scientific Writer

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
01.2019 - 01.2024
  • Company Overview: Institute for Community Health Innovation (ICHI)
  • Responsible for co-writing, editing, and submitting high quality research articles to peer-reviewed periodicals
  • Located supportive literature and created references for articles using EndNote software
  • Responsible for conducting basic, intermediate, and advanced statistical tests and interpreting results for the purpose of co-publishing articles that contribute to public health knowledge and health practices
  • Work daily with multiple programs (REDCap, Excel, SAS) to extract research study data
  • Responsible for data cleaning and analysis of samples ranging from very small (N=50) to large (N=400,000+) samples
  • Provide data summaries for projects upon request, working with ICHI colleagues and other professionals at UAMS
  • Seek out and independently adapt pre-existing SAS Macros to efficiently produce AMA-formatted statistical tables and to generate codebooks with descriptive statistics for all variables within datasets that otherwise would not have this guiding information
  • Selected to work on research funded by NIH grant through faculty of the Physical Therapy department for the past two years after demonstrating my ability to provide data cleaning, analysis, and summarization for applied and academic use
  • Work closely with Physical Therapist faculty to better understand the discipline, produce the highest quality research and data analysis, and to further improve my ability to provide quality, timely research assistance, no matter the discipline
  • Co-published 25 research articles since June of 2019
  • Institute for Community Health Innovation (ICHI)

Independent Research Consultant

01.2017 - 01.2019
  • Provided independent consulting to professionals locally and across the country to assist and guide proper data collection and analysis in order to interpret statistical results from a variety of procedures and utilize the results for practical purposes
  • Tutored undergraduate/graduate students from a broad array of degree programs
  • Provided professional guidance in the following areas: principles of probability, introductory statistics, research design, advanced graduate statistics courses, introductory and intermediate statistical programming
  • Mentored 30+ doctoral students in completing their dissertations and earning their degrees

Assistant Director for Research and Assessment

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
01.2009 - 01.2017
  • Company Overview: University Housing
  • Pioneered an evidence-based decision-making model for the department per assigned roles and objectives to bring actionable assessment to University Housing across all units (Administrative Services, Business & Finance, Facilities, IT, & Residence Education)
  • Continued to implement the model by providing on-site professional guidance to all supervisors and directors to write measurable objectives per their unit goals and track the progress of achieving these objectives by learning to use and monitor the use of Baseline management software
  • Led a $50,000 annual student retention program for 4 years, training all Residence Education staff to use the software and to work with students based on student development principles
  • Supervised staff in creation of incentive programs
  • Improved retention for our target demographic – first-time full-time degree-seeking freshmen
  • Led the administration of an outside-sourced survey of all Housing staff measuring employee engagement and satisfaction
  • Created timelines for each unit to take the survey in the designated location so as to not overlap sessions
  • Analyzed, summarized, and presented the results for the entire department, by unit and overall
  • University Housing

Community Development Assistant

University of Arkansas
01.2001 - 01.2003
  • Company Overview: Community Design Center
  • While living with fellow community development and design students in the towns we aimed to help, I worked one-on-one with community members of two cities in the Mississippi Delta (Clarendon and Lake Village), and those of one city in the Ozarks (Cotter) to identify individual and community needs, fears, deficiencies, and strengths, and then research county, state, and federal resources available to them to improve their lives and the overall health of their communities
  • Presented and held meetings at each community center regarding my work, summarizing my findings and discussing paths to bettering their personal and public lives
  • Community Design Center


Doctoral Candidate (former) - Educational Statistics And Research Methods

University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR

Doctoral Candidate (former) - Public Policy Analysis

University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR

Master of Arts - Sociology

University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR

Bachelor of Arts - Psychology with Honors

University of Central Arkansas

High School Diploma -

Shirley High School


  • Professional Proofreading
  • Public Speaking
  • Problem Solving
  • Scientific Research & Statistics
  • Scientific & Technical Writing/Editing
  • Community Development
  • Legal Research
  • Microsoft Windows OS
  • Microsoft Office - Word
  • Microsoft Office - Excel
  • Microsoft Office - PowerPoint
  • Statistical Software (SAS, SPSS)
  • Macintosh OS
  • Qualtrics/SM Survey Data Management
  • REDCap Survey Data Management

Communication Skills

Interpreting, discussing, and presenting complex topics with audiences of mixed experience and education levels. Working with multiple coworkers and departments to accomplish tasks and achieve daily/weekly goals. Connecting people with resources to empower them to make their own decisions and gain control of their circumstances.

Software Proficiencies

30 years, 30 years, 15 years, 15 years, 5 years


Worked in and lived with underserved communities to improve their overall access to health, education, and economic opportunities.

Consulted and tutored over 400 hours with graduate students for statistics courses, SAS programming, Master's Theses, and Doctoral Dissertations.

Co-published over 25 peer-reviewed public health articles from 2019 to 2024, on many of which I am the data analyst or biostatistician of record.


Research Associate & Scientific Writer

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
01.2019 - 01.2024

Independent Research Consultant

01.2017 - 01.2019

Assistant Director for Research and Assessment

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
01.2009 - 01.2017

Community Development Assistant

University of Arkansas
01.2001 - 01.2003

Bachelor of Arts - Psychology with Honors

University of Central Arkansas

High School Diploma -

Shirley High School

Doctoral Candidate (former) - Educational Statistics And Research Methods

University of Arkansas

Doctoral Candidate (former) - Public Policy Analysis

University of Arkansas

Master of Arts - Sociology

University of Arkansas
Aaron Scott