Work History
School Engagement
Honors & Awards

Adan Eftekhari



years of professional experience

Work History

Director of Youth Engagement & Development

UNHRC Permanent Forum On People Of African Descent
08.2023 - Current
  • Mobilize individuals of African descent worldwide by implementing strategic programs that amplify the voices and address the unique challenges faced by youth within this community. I work closely with ambassadors and global leaders to facilitate UN forums and educational campaigns that promote human rights, combat discrimination, and foster socioeconomic and political empowerment.
  • Enable partnerships with governmental bodies and civil society stakeholders to ensure that the concerns and aspirations of people of African descent are integrated into policy dialogues and advocacy efforts regionally and internationally.

Chief Director of Global Outreach and Fundraising

Touch Of Life Foundation
09.2018 - Current
  • Spearheaded over forty initiatives to combat child labor and trafficking, contributing ~500 volunteer hours and engaging in outreach efforts such as international online webinars, speeches at regional conferences, and briefing government officials, including U.S. Representative Gerry Connolly's staff and Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement representatives, on critical child trafficking policies/provisions.
  • Collaborated with Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash Satyarthi to raise over $70,000 in funds for the Bal Ashram orphanage and trafficking rehabilitation center in Rajasthan, India.

North American Student Ambassador

Kick4Life F.C.
12.2022 - Current
  • Raise awareness nationwide for our mission of providing the vulnerable and impoverished youth of Lesotho with opportunities to study and play sports at universities worldwide. My work has enabled over 1,400 youth to get tested for HIV, and I have successfully supported more than 40 students to gain access to higher education abroad.
  • Responsibilities include organizing fundraisers, awareness campaigns, and local partnerships, while also integrating Kick4Life's educational materials into institutions to promote global citizenship and social responsibility among students, merging my passion for soccer with a dedication to positive societal transformation.

Commission Chair, VA Government + FCPS Liaison

Fairfax County Student Human Rights Commission
06.2023 - Current
  • Conduct extensive research and head awareness campaigns through various channels, including podcasts, student-parent-teacher panels, and meetings with U.S. Representative Gerry Connolly and Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Michelle Reid, to uphold the commission’s focus on fair housing.
  • Shed light on the historical context and systemic problems surrounding unequal housing in my area, emphasizing its complex intersections with other pressing public health concerns like safety and drug-related issues, and regularly propose solutions that encompass policy development, advocacy efforts, and effective communication strategies to address them.


Global Leaders Of Fairfax County Fellowship
09.2023 - Current
  • Dedicated to addressing UN Sustainable Development Goal Three for Good Health and Well-Being through organizing numerous community health initiatives, promoting awareness campaigns, and collaborating with local schools, businesses, and healthcare providers to facilitate medical access and affordability among healthcare services, particularly for low-income families within my area.
  • Meet with community leaders and policy-makers to ensure our goals are met, and leverage my professional connections at the UN and nonprofit organizations to combine our efforts and expand the reach of the fellowship.

Co-Founder, Co-Owner

METY Technology, Inc.
06.2023 - Current
  • Developing a novel medical machine learning-based software which compiles the latest research to provide users with personalized health recommendations for diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, and stress reduction.
  • Alongside a team of over 30 professionals, I have analyzed thousands of scientific articles and medical data to be incorporated in the application, which provides it with a resource center complete with individualized content and videos, so that they can receive tangible benefits of improved health and well-being. Our “My Youthspan” software will be released for public use early next year.

Research Intern

George Mason University
08.2023 - Current
  • Working alongside Dr. Todd Tupper to study the interactions between hosts, pathogens, and their environment, investigating the factors influencing disease outcomes.
  • Examine snake skin microbiomes across different species and landscapes, analyzing variations in microbial assemblages, and uncovered localized immune responses to pathogen presence through observing disparities in microbial communities between infected and unaffected skin areas and identifying potential genotypic patterns associated with pathogenicity and virulence.

Student Researcher

Virginia Summer Residential Governor's School MST
07.2023 - 07.2023
  • Studied the principles of genomics, biotechnology, microbiology, bioethics, and their intersections. Additionally, I conducted laboratory work encompassing PCR, DNA electrophoresis and extraction, bacterial transformation, and the identification of genetically modified organisms.
  • Examined exosome-based gene therapy for mRNA delivery, showcasing my findings before an audience of peers, professors, and doctors, and later translated my work into a published research paper on Amazon.

Research Intern

Columbia University School Of Professional Studies
07.2022 - 08.2022
  • Worked under Professor Katherine Kartheiser to explore various antibiotics, antiviral drugs, chemotherapy agents, and psychiatric medications, with a keen focus on understanding their cell and molecular applications in the context of different medical conditions.
  • Undertook a research project examining the routes of administration, mechanism of action, membrane absorption, and biochemical properties of Warfarin, an anticoagulant medication used to treat blood clots.

Research Intern

Harvard Student Agencies
06.2021 - 09.2023
  • Collaborated with Harvard pre-medical students to investigate the potential of exosome-based therapeutics for targeted drug delivery, with a specific emphasis on the mechanisms of exosome interactions with recipient cells, the content of exosomal cargo, and their potential applications in various medical conditions.
  • Final research paper focused on understanding exosomes’ capacity for delivering therapeutic cargoes to specific tissues.

Student Leadership Intern

11.2021 - 12.2021
  • Studied the history of the Apollo mission to the moon under the mentorship of Dr. Ed Rogers, a distinguished Ph.D. graduate from Cornell University and the former Chief Knowledge Officer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
  • Gained insights into the profound challenges and achievements of space exploration, and investigated the various technical errors that led to the tragic Columbia space shuttle disaster.


Advanced Studies Diploma -

Fairfax High School
Fairfax, VA

Dual-Enrollment -

Northern Virginia Community College
Annandale, VA


  • Civil Rights and Social Action
  • Disaster and Humanitarian Relief
  • Economic Empowerment
  • Global/Public Health
  • Human Rights
  • Laboratory Experience
  • Medical Research
  • Poverty Alleviation

School Engagement

President, National Honor Society

Fairfax, VA | October, 2021 - present

  • Lead a team of officers to execute volunteer initiatives that make a positive impact on our school community – aligning with the core values of scholarship, leadership, service, and character upheld by the NHS.
  • Preside over bimonthly chapter meetings, ensuring engagement among all 275 members, and play a significant role in the recognition of students who embody the ideals of the honor society. Through this, I cultivate a culture of academic excellence, ethical leadership, and community involvement, serving as a role model and advocate of these principles.

President, Future Health Leaders of America

Fairfax, VA | September, 2021 - present

  • Lead a group of officers and over fifty members to organize monthly club activities and workshops that promote an environment where students passionate about medical and public healthcare can engage in educational and hands-on experiences.
  • Coordinated several guest speaker sessions, career exploration opportunities, community outreach projects, and collaboration with external healthcare-oriented organizations. These initiatives uphold ethical healthcare practices and inspire our members to pursue careers within the industry to, in turn, encourage extensive health objectives across our community.

Officer, Science National Honor Society

Fairfax, VA | September, 2021 - present

  • Collaborate closely with other officers to plan workshops and educational initiatives that encourage scientific exploration and learning within our school.
  • Facilitate monthly meetings, assist in the selection of new members who demonstrate exceptional commitment to STEM, and contribute to science-related service projects to inspire a passion for science, encourage academic excellence, and promote scientific inquiry and community outreach among our members.

Mathematics & Chemistry Tutor

Fairfax, VA | October 2021- Present

  • Voluntarily tutor middle school, high school, and undergraduate college students after school and during school breaks, in subjects ranging from Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus I, Calculus II, Linear Algebra, and Chemistry up to the AP and college levels.


  • Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society

      January 2021 - present

  • National Society of Leadership and Success

      February 2022 - present

  • Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers

      July 2022 - present

  • Fairfax High School Varsity Soccer

      March 2021 - present

  • Fairfax High School Varsity Football

      August 2021 - December 2021

Honors & Awards

  • 2023 Yale Basset Award - 04/2023

Issued by Yale's Center for the Study of Race, Indigeneity, and Transnational Migration

Selected as one of twenty winners nationally for demonstrating a record of creative leadership and public service, academic distinction, interdisciplinary problem solving, and experience addressing societal issues including race and racism.

  • 2024 Coca-Cola Scholar Semifinalist - 10/2023

Issued by Coca-Cola Scholars Program

Among 1,514 students selected from a pool of over 103,800 applicants across the United States, making up the top 1.45% of applicants, earned through my exceptional academic achievements, strong leadership, and notable community service.

  • United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) 77 & 78 Attendee - 09/2022, 09/2023

Issued by United Nations

Attended UNGA for both its 77th and 78th sessions, recognizing my contributions to combating child trafficking with the Touch of Life Foundation and advocating for the rights of people of African descent with the United Nations Human Rights Council's Permanent Forum.

  • 9th International Forum on African & Caribbean Leadership (IFAL) Invitation - 09/2023

Issued by African Leadership Organization

Invited to attend IFAL for its ninth session, reflecting my dedication to global and public health initiatives in Africa and around the world.

  • Acceptance into Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (ASSIP) - 04/2022

Issued by George Mason University

Among 140 out of 3,200 students admitted nationally for Systems Biology and selected by Dr. Fatah Kashanchi to research and examine human retroviruses, biodefense viral agents, host-pathogen interactions, small molecule and peptide inhibitors against transcription machinery, RNAi machinery, proteomics and metabolomics, and extracellular vesicles, including exosomes.

  • #1 New Release in Cardiovascular Diseases - 09/2023

Issued by Amazon

Awarded for the popularity, ratings, and sales of my scientific research paper published on Amazon, titled “Harnessing the Potential of Exosomes: A Comprehensive Review of Biogenesis, Cargo, Functions, and Therapeutic Applications.” 

  • The President's Volunteer Service Award: Gold - 07/2023

Issued by Corporation for National and Community Service

Recognized by President Joe Biden for dedicating 250+ hours to volunteer service over the course of 12 months.

  • National Recognition Award - 08/2022

Issued by College Board

Nationally recognized for my academic achievements in school and performance on AP Exams.

  • National Merit Commended Scholar - 09/2023

Issued by National Merit Scholarship Corporation, College Board

Nationally recognized for scoring in the top 2% of test takers on the PSAT.

  • AP Scholar w/ Distinction - 07/2023

Issued by College Board

Demonstrated outstanding college-level achievement through my performance on multiple AP Exams, receiving an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.

  • Acceptance into Virginia Summer Residential Governor's School for Mathematics, Science, and Technology - 05/2023

Issued by Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)

Selected for Virginia SRGS's most competitive program at the University of Lynchburg, limited to the top 158 students out of the state's top 5%.

  • West Point Society Leadership and Ethics Conference Attendee Nomination - 02/2023

Issued by West Point Society of D.C. and the National Capital Region

Selected as one of the four juniors at Fairfax High School to attend the West Point Leadership & Ethics Conference in March, 2023.

  • Five-Star Character: The George C. Marshall Ethical Leadership Conference Attendee Nomination - 06/2023

Issued by George C. Marshall International Center

One of twenty northern Virginia high school students selected to to attend this conference, aimed at cultivating leadership skills among high school juniors and seniors by drawing inspiration from the legacy of the influential American leader, George C. Marshall.

  • Student Peace Award of Fairfax County - 11/2022

Issued by Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS)

Recognized for my efforts at the Touch of Life Foundation since 2018, where I continue to address and advocate against child trafficking and exploitation in northern Virginia and around the globe.

  • Presidential Scholar, Dean's List - 05/2021

Issued by Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC)

Earned NVCC's most prestigious award, granted to students with a semester GPA of 3.75 or higher and requiring at least nine semester hours completed in the current term and a minimum of twenty semester hours of credit earned at the college.

  • Academic Honor Roll, Athletic Honor Roll - 06/2023

Issued by Fairfax High School

Achieved a 3.50+ GPA throughout the 2022-23 school year, while participating in Varsity Boys Soccer for the 2023 spring season.


  • Using Risk Factors for Disease to Predict Probability of Contracting a Disease in a Machine Learning-Based Product that Recommends Interventions to Increase Health and Longevity - October 4, 2023

Published by International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research


  • Harnessing the Potential of Exosomes: A Comprehensive Review of Biogenesis, Cargo, Functions, and Therapeutic Applications - August 16, 2023

Published by Kindle Direct Publishing


  • The Problem: Types of Child Trafficking, COVID-19 and Child Trafficking, and the Rehab Process and Education - July 18, 2021

Published by Touch of Life Foundation



Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster - July, 2023

Issued by Harvard T.H. School of Public Health, edX

  • https://courses.edx.org/certificates/903d9d56cc5a4049b5f96c496601c467



Global Leaders Of Fairfax County Fellowship
09.2023 - Current

Director of Youth Engagement & Development

UNHRC Permanent Forum On People Of African Descent
08.2023 - Current

Research Intern

George Mason University
08.2023 - Current

Student Researcher

Virginia Summer Residential Governor's School MST
07.2023 - 07.2023

Commission Chair, VA Government + FCPS Liaison

Fairfax County Student Human Rights Commission
06.2023 - Current

Co-Founder, Co-Owner

METY Technology, Inc.
06.2023 - Current

North American Student Ambassador

Kick4Life F.C.
12.2022 - Current

Research Intern

Columbia University School Of Professional Studies
07.2022 - 08.2022

Student Leadership Intern

11.2021 - 12.2021

Research Intern

Harvard Student Agencies
06.2021 - 09.2023

Chief Director of Global Outreach and Fundraising

Touch Of Life Foundation
09.2018 - Current

Advanced Studies Diploma -

Fairfax High School

Dual-Enrollment -

Northern Virginia Community College

Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster - July, 2023

Issued by Harvard T.H. School of Public Health, edX

  • https://courses.edx.org/certificates/903d9d56cc5a4049b5f96c496601c467
Adan Eftekhari