Organized several volunteer days for students to help in the ACLT gardens.
Helped with gardening and greenhouse clean up and winterization on numerous occasions.
Motivated student with strong work ethic and experience working with teams collaborating on long-term projects. Currently developing skills in Engineering and Computer Science by gaining proficiency in various programming languages and AutoCAD, practicing using circuit diagrams, and gaining design experience.
Organized several volunteer days for students to help in the ACLT gardens.
Helped with gardening and greenhouse clean up and winterization on numerous occasions.
Tutor students struggling in any math subject at local high school, 1-2 times a week.
3 days, spending 7 hours each day helping build homes and clean job sites where homes were being built for underprivileged and low-income families.
Technical Skills:
Social Skills:
Work Ethic
Adaptability and Flexibility
Email Etiquette