- Community Cleanup
- Gardening
- Exploring famous landmarks, historical sites, and cultural attractions in a new destination
- DIY and Home Improvement
- I like looking at the stars and learning about constellations
- Getting involved in local advocacy groups to promote positive change in the community
- Backpacking and Hiking
- I like working with my hands and fixing things
- Youth mentor, providing guidance and support to empower the next generation of leaders
- Outdoor Recreation
- Music
- Learning new cooking techniques and expanding my culinary skills
- Strategy Games
- Yoga
- Growing herbs, vegetables, or fruits in home gardens
- Animal Care
- Backpacking
- Regularly practice mindfulness and meditation for overall wellness
- Drawing and Painting
- Mindfulness Practices
- Historical Exploration
- Reading
- Camping
- Road Trips
- Personal Development and Self-Improvement
- Homelessness Outreach
- Creative Writing