With a focus on teamwork and communication, I possess valuable skills that can greatly benefit any future employer. Eager to learn and share knowledge, I adapt quickly to new environments and express my opinions in a respectful and professional manner. Hardworking, loyal, patient, kind-hearted, and dedicated, I have honed my abilities throughout my 7-year tenure at Hy-Vee, progressing from various departments to my current role as the Daystock/Dairy Manager in Aisle Online. In this position, I handle ordering, stocking, managing back stock, and collaborating with vendors. Additionally, I gained experience as a security guard at UW Hospital in Madison. My current job has fostered my outgoing nature, which I am excited to bring to my next endeavor. Previously employed at US Cellular by Cellular Advantage, I developed strong social skills and thrived in a challenging work environment. Building relationships with customers across all four district stores has been a rewarding experience. As a pricing data specialist, I excel in managing price changes, vendor check-ins, signage creation, displays, batches, allowances, invoices (including extensions if necessary), SAP utilization, and ad preparation. This role has met all my expectations and continues to provide opportunities for growth. Eager for this job to propel me into a similar or potentially even more fulfilling position.